
Come and join us each Monday for #travelpics, the travel photography chat/share on Twitter. While other chats simply talk about travel, #travelpics is all about participants sharing their own travel photos about each theme. We don’t bite, so join in!


As of August 2018, the #travelpics chat is on hiatus. There’s simply too much going on in my world of photography work, personal matters, and travel to keep it up at the moment. It’s not necessarily the end, but for now at least it’s a long break. I’m sorry to disappoint y’all, but thank you so much for the never-ending support! Thank you for understanding!

To keep up to speed with what I’m doing, visit and

You can always reach me fairly quickly at, or by visiting my main website:

Thanks everyone!


Please join us and the #travelpics gang for an all-new chat every Monday! You can join in simply by using the #travelpics hashtag during our 3pm-4pm EDT time slot, or you may pre-program questions using something like HootSuite or TweetDeck. I’m your host Kathryn on my @AntiTourist handle, so feel free to tweet me or reach out to @TravelpicsChat with any questions. I look forward to seeing you there!
#travelpics recaps
07-02-18 hot, Hot, HOT! was the theme today:

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “hot, Hot, HOT!” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the hottest temperature you ever had to withstand? What did it feel like?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of something that makes us feel the heat. Dubai, Tabasco, Death Valley…
(3:20) Q3: Tell us about the spiciest food you ever ate–or at least something that had major punch!
(3:30) Q4: Tweet a photo of something travel related that you’ve always thought of as hot (but keep it PG-13, please!).
(3:40) Q5: What’s something “hot” in the world of travel right now? Will it stick around or is it just a fad?
(3:50) Q6: Share your unique photo interpretation of “hot, Hot, HOT!” however you see fit. Bonus points for making us chuckle!
06-04-18 Our theme in June was “super summer.”
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “super summer” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: What’s your name, and what summertime destination are you headed to next?
(3:05) Q1: What’s an event or moment that marks summer fun for you?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo you’ve taken of your perfect summer day. It can be at home, at the beach, or traveling!
(3:20) Q3: Not everyone thinks of summer in the same way. Perhaps winter is your super season–or maybe you love hot weather so much that you escape during the cold. Thoughts?
(3:30) Q4: What’s something that is best to photograph in summertime? Share an example!
(3:40) Q5: If you had to pick one super summer luxury (other than A/C) that you splurge on, what is it? A pool toy, a filter, camping gear, what?
(3:50) Q6: Show off your best stereotypical summer landscape photo…but surprise us. Perhaps it’s actually a beach in Canada, or it’s India in winter. Go for it!

05-07-18 Last month’s May theme was “outdoor exploration.”

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “outdoor exploration” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Do you prefer outdoor exploration in places you already love…or in the new and unknown?
(3:10) Q2: Where is the most recent place you explored outdoors? Share a pic!
(3:20) Q3: Tell us about a time when you were scared, amazed, or puzzled by something you saw while exploring outdoors
(3:30) Q4: Show us a photo of an awesome outdoor area in your state, province, or region that you only recently discovered.
(3:40) Q5: If you’re exploring outdoors, you probably don’t want to lug a ton of gear around. What 2 pieces of photo equipment do you hike/camp/climb/explore with?
(3:50) Q6: Share with us an amazing outdoor location that few visitors ever see. We want to see your stunning photos!

04-02-18 Spring still wasn’t in New York by early April, but with high hopes we had a “spring green” chat, knowing that people all around the Northern Hemisphere were finally getting a break from the snow!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “spring green” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What do you love most about spring where you are? Anything you DON’T like?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from spring or springs past that represent the changing of the season
(3:20) Q3: If you had to use three (3) adjectives to describe spring, what would you use? (And also, is it your favorite season?)
(3:30) Q4: We want to see your most creative uses of spring flowers, blooming trees, or other bits of nature that make one of your photos pop.
(3:40) Q5: Where’s the best country or area you’ve witnessed spring? Were there unique traditions or celebrations along with the weather?
(3:50) Q6: Wherever you are right now–and whether it’s spring there or not–share with us the last nature shot you took (and hopefully it’s weather you love!).

03-26-18 Last week’s theme was awards. We gave mostly fictitious awards to fellow chatters, places, and people.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “awards” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: In the past 3 years (so, back to March 2015), what place gets your award for most photogenic? What about most intriguing?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from a place that gets your “I’d visit it again in a heartbeat” award.
(3:20) Q3: What country or area gets your award for most confusing place? What were some traditions or situations that stumped you?
(3:30) Q4: Whether it’s photo/travel related or not, what’s a real award you were proud of and actually won–from any point in your life?
(3:35) BONUS Q: What’s an award-winning hotel or place you’ve actually stayed at/visited? Was it as amazing as you’d hoped?
(3:40) Q5: Your turn: Create a fictitious travel/photo/chat/enthusiasm/other award and bestow it upon someone in this chat!
(3:50) Q6: If someone gave you an award for the best photo you took in 2018, which one would win it? Share that photo!

03-19-18 Do you have good luck or bad luck while traveling? Are you able to laugh about the bad, or are you still thinking you’ll never strike it rich again? Here were the questions.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “good luck” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Do you tend to have good luck or bad luck when traveling? 
(3:10) Q2: Do you have a photo to share of a personal bad luck story?
(3:20) Q3: Okay, have at it. Tell us, in 280 characters or fewer, the worst luck you had while traveling. Can you laugh about it now?
(3:30) Q4: Where is a place you had incredibly good luck? Show us and tell us what happened!
(3:40) Q5: Tell us a story that demonstrates good luck from–or that led you to–a great story.
(3:50) Q6: Good luck or bad, we want to hear and see something incredible from you stories. A change in plans, a person you met…tell us!

3-12-18 This past week’s March 12th theme was portraits.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “portraits” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s your favorite thing to take portraits of when traveling? What about when not journeying?
(3:10) Q2: It’s time to start showing off those portraits! Give us an incredible portrait you took that in a foreign land.
(3:20) Q3: What is your favorite gear for shooting portraits? Do you have a favorite camera, lens, or setting? Phone preference? Lighting situation? Share them!
(3:30) Q4: Tweet out a real portrait of you on your travels–or a portrait of someone who’s gone traveling with you.
(3:40) Q5: How has your photography improved from, say, 10 or even just 5 years ago, until now? Can you give us a portrait you took a while ago vs. one you shot recently?
(3:50) Q6: Share with us your favorite environmental portrait–that is, a photo you took of someone with a good background, so that we know what the scene and moment is like (and not just someone’s face).

03-05-18 This past week’s theme was unwind. How do you enjoy getting away from it all?

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “unwind” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: How do you like to unwind when you can’t travel anywhere outside your town?
(3:10) Q2: Share with us one or (preferably) two photos: What you’re usually unwinding FROM (Kids? School? Crazy work?) and what you unwind TO.
(3:20) Q3: What types of places do you go to unwind for a weekend away? What about 2 weeks away?
(3:30) Q4: Share with us the most idyllic spot you ever found for unwinding. Where was it? Was it what you’d dreamed of?
(3:40) Q5: What activities do you enjoy doing when you’re unwinding? For many it’s nothing, and for others it’s jet skiing or rock climbing. What’s yours?
(3:50) Q6: Share with us your favorite spot to unwind, wherever in the world it may be.

02-26-18 Our theme this week was turn back time! From Finland to the Cayman Islands, we saw a lot of cool photos of historical buildings, cultures seemingly lost in time, and more.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “turn back time” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: If you could choose ANY era in which to be alive, what would you choose and why? 
(3:10) Q2: Where’s a place you’ve traveled to that felt stuck in an ancient time? Share a photo!
(3:20) Q3: When you travel to places that seem to have turned back time, how does it make you feel? Are you a fan or do you wish places would “get with the times”?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo of a location that’s the opposite of ancient. Perhaps it’s futuristic or just plain crazy!
(3:40) Q5: Have you ever wished you could turn back time and re-visit a time in your life–or a place that was better then than it is now? Please explain!
(3:50) Q6: Show us something fascinating from your travels–a place, a person, or a building–that made you feel as though someone had turned back time.

02-19-18 Our theme this week was travel hotspots. Folks shared photos of hotspots all around the world, from popular and near-popular places.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “hotspots” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the best travel hotspot you’ve ever been to? Tell us about it.
(3:10) Q2: Share an awesome travel photo from a current world travel hotspot. 
(3:20) Q3:  With thousands of people traveling to travel hotspots like the Grand Canyon, Eiffel Tower, and Taj Mahal every day, how do you make your photo stand out? Advice/tips?
(3:30) Q4: Yup, we want to see it. A literal hotspot. Show us a hot spring, desert, outdoor sauna, and more!
(3:40) Q5: So many travel hotspots are overhyped. Have any–or a great photo you took at a too-crowded place?
(3:50) Q6: If you’ve recently traveled somewhere you believe will be a travel hotspot in 2020, show us where it is–and tell us why!
 02-12-18 This past week, in honor of Valentine’s Day, our theme was love. But luckily for all the single folks out there, our questions mostly revolved around travel + photography love!
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “love” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What are the 3 things you love most about travel?
(3:10) Q2: Now, what are the 3 things you love most about travel photography? Share an example!
(3:20) Q3: Tell us about a travel photography experience you really loved–but that wasn’t really what average tourists experience.
(3:30) Q4: It’s the question you knew was coming: Share a photo of someone you love–and whom you met while traveling! 
(3:40) Q5: What’s a place, site, or activity you thought you’d love, but that simply didn’t impress you?
(3:50) Q6: Now, share a place you love–and that you’d return to again and again if you had unlimited funds!

2-05-18 Cold weather makes for some cool landscapes, so our theme took that into account and our participants shared some snowy pics. 

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “winterscapes” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What part of the world has your favorite winterscapes?
(3:10) Q2: Closeups of winter landscapes can be incredible. Share some macro shot of ice, snowflakes, or a winterscape!
(3:20) Q3: What do you enjoy doing in the winter? Do you make use of the cold weather or stay indoors?
(3:30) Q4: Winter in one place is summer in another. Show us a “winter” that isn’t what we expect!
(3:40) Q5: Name the 3 top winterscapes–or places to spend winter–that you’ve ever seen.
(3:50) Q6: Where’s the most beautiful winterscape photo you ever took? Tweet it out!
 01-29-18 Where are the best ruins you’ve ever seen? We got some great input on more unique buildings and items left to age for centuries.
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “ruins & relics” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: When you think of ruins and relics, what feelings, places, or thoughts do you have?
(3:10) Q2: Show us the most recent (awesome) ruin you visited. Give us some history!
(3:20) Q3: In your opinion, what is the most photogenic ruin or relic in your country? Have a photo?
(3:30) Q4: So many ruins are overrun by tourists. Share a photo of an alternate site that you think is better!
(3:40) Q5: What’s a relic that you’d love to see up close–but that the public is not allowed to visit at all?
(3:50) Q6: Tweet out your most stunning photo of a ruin or relic, and tell us how you got the shot.

12-18-18 ‘Twas the last chat of the year (and for a month) since Christmas, New Year’s, and travel all fell on the next 5 Mondays!

 [RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “2018 travel goals” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What was a.) a great accomplishment of yours from 2017, and b.) a future accomplishment that’s a goal for 2018?
(3:10) Q2: Share with us a photo of a travel/photography goal you accomplished in 2017!
(3:20) Q3: Where do you dream of going in 2018? What’s a likely goal along with a not-as-likely one?

(3:25) BONUS: What’s a phenomenon or event you’d love to see in 2018?

(3:30) Q4: Show us the photo or inspiration that made you book your first trip of 2018. What made you take the leap?
(3:40) Q5: What makes you excited for 2018? A new outlook? New vacation time? Retirement? Work?
(3:45) BONUS: What’s something not related to travel or photography that you’re excited about in 2018? Clue us in, wontcha?
(3:50) Q6: Share with us a photo, or story, or something you’re taking with you into 2018 that’s going to make it a great year.

12-11-17 This week we did a recap of 2017, and got to hear a bunch of your best stories–and see your photos!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “2017 recap” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What was your favorite moment of 2017? Least favorite?
(3:10) Q2: Share a favorite photograph you took in your state/province/nearby area this year. What makes it special to you?
(3:20) Q3: What’s a cool new photography or editing technique you learned this year? Care to show us an example?
(3:30) Q4: Of all the places you traveled to this year, what was the most unique (though not necessarily your favorite)? What was it that made it different?
(3:40) Q5: Tweet out the travel photo from this year that you feel is your coolest, and explain the circumstances to us.

(3:50) Q6: Now, share with us your favorite travel photo you took abroad in 2017!

12-04-17 This week’s theme was “places of worship,” and was suggested by participant About the Destination (@abtdestination)–who also guest co-hosted! The chat really wasn’t about attending a church or mosque, but was about travels, visits, and experiences at unique places of worship around the world.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Are you a fan of visiting places of worship? Why or why not?
(3:10) Q2: Share a beautiful place of worship in your own country.
(3:20) Q3: From pastafarians to mami wata devotees, share with us a story or portrait of a unique religious experience or moment.
(3:30) Q4: Tweet a photo of a house of worship that may not even look like one! Be as nontraditional as you like.
(3:40) Q5: Do you ever feel differently when participating in a ceremony abroad vs. home? (Ex: A Buddhist monk ceremony vs. Sunday mass)
(3:50) Q6: Share a photo of an incredible and unique-looking church, mosque, temple, etc. you visited during your travels.

11-27-17 Last week’s theme was “nature’s colors.” We saw BEAUTIFUL photos from participants around world–it was a truly beautiful chat! 

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “nature’s colors” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Without any photos, describe your favorite 1 or 2 colors in nature.
(3:10) Q2: Where is the location of your favorite color that appears in nature, and where’s your photo of it?
(3:20) Q3: On the flip side, which places have you been that seemed devoid of most natural color?
(3:30) Q4: Do you believe one place has the best of nature’s colors to offer? Where is it?
(3:40) Q5: When it comes to colorful wildlife, where have you found the best? Extra points for photos!
(3:50) Q6: Share an epic sunrise or sunset that shows off the best of nature’s colors. 

11-20-17 The theme for Monday, November 20, was “overlooked.” We got to see a lot of participants’ favorite semi-secret spots.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “overlooked” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) What’s your name, where are you, and what’s a NON-travel item or idea you think is overlooked by most? 
(3:05) Q1: Tell us a place in your native country that is overlooked by friends, tourists, or others in general. 
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of your favorite overlooked local area, and tell us its gems.
(3:20) Q3: Now, tell us which country–or area of a country–you believe is overlooked. Why should we visit?
(3:30) Q4: Many people overlook various activities, such as walking in new places or eating street food. Your thoughts?
(3:40) Q5: Share with us (stories or photos) a place we’ve likely NEVER heard of. 
(3:50) Q6: Show us an awesome destination that you believe is heavily overlooked–and convince us to go there.

11-06-17  What are the best fails of your travel experiences? They may not have been fun at the time, but they sure do make good stories now…

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “travel fails” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Do you look at travel fails with a sense of humor, fear, or something else?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of a travel fail (whether yours or someone else’s).
(3:20) Q3: Tell us a 140-character travel fail story that you personally experienced.
(3:30) Q4: Humor us with a funny travel fail story or photo from your travel abroad.
(3:40) Q5: We won’t tell…share a travel fail story that wasn’t your fault, but that you suffered for!
(3:50) Q6: Sometimes travel fails lead to surprising events. Tell us/show us yours!

10-30-17 Relaxing places mean different things to all of us. We shared some of our favorites, and had participants from Sweden to Canada, India to the Grand Cayman Islands, and more all participate.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “relaxation” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of an activity that is relaxing to you. How do you feel during/after?
(3:20) Q3: Where do you travel when you want to relax and chill out for a week?
(3:30) Q4: Relax our eyes. Show us your photograph of a place that visually calms your mind.
(3:40) Q5: Show us where you head if you’re sick of relaxing and want to feel alive! Share a photo if ya like.
(3:50) Q6: No time to relax? We can pretend to through photos. Share your #travelpics capture of a favorite spot!

10-16-17 Have you ever taken a mystery trip? We heard and saw a bit about these secret jaunts and last-minute layovers.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “mystery trips” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the closest to a mystery trip that you’ve ever taken?
(3:10) Q2: If you’ve ever been to a place you considered mysterious, show us a photo!
(3:20) Q3: Did you ever add a surprise country to a trip–or go somewhere on an unexpected layover?
(3:30) Q4: We want to see a mysterious photo of yours. See if we can guess where or what it is!
(3:40) Q5: What’s the most mysterious part of travel for you?
(3:50) Q6: Out of everywhere you’ve been, what was your most mysterious trip? Share one of your #travelpics!
 10-09-17 Our theme last week was “day or night.” It’s a shame the days are getting so short here, but in the Southern Hemisphere they’re probably delighted, right?
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “day or night” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Are you a day person or night person in general? What about when traveling?
(3:10) Q2: Share an experience that looked incredible at night–and Tweet a photo if you have one!
(3:20) Q3: What specifically do you enjoy doing in the day or night when traveling–and why?
(3:30) Q4: Has it ever felt like nighttime during the day, or vice versa? Eclipse? Fog? Aurora? Share a pic!
(3:40) Q5: Tell us about an experience abroad that seemingly happened at the wrong time of day. Good/bad?
(3:50) Q6: We want to see your coolest image that challenges what we think day travel means! Be creative.

10-02-17 Our theme last week was capital cities.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “captial cities” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s your favorite capital in your native country? What about in your continent?
(3:10) Q2: Share with us a photo that well represents what you love about your favorite capital city.
(3:20) Q3: What’s a state or world capital that everyone loves, but that you don’t? And vice versa?
(3:30) Q4: Show us a cool perspective on a hidden part of any capital city. 
(3:40) Q5: What’s your favorite lesser-known capital city, and why do you love it? 
(3:50) Q6: Tweet out an amazing photo you took of any capital city near or far!

09-25-17 We chatted “fight or flight” in today’s interesting #travelpics chat.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “fight or flight?” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:00) Q1: What’s your name, where are you, and what’s the craziest reason you’ve gone on a trip?
(3:10) Q2: Share with us a photo taken directly before or after a crazy event!
(3:20) Q3: Have you ever gotten into a fight abroad…or taken a flight abroad to avoid one?
(3:30) Q4: Show us a photo of something good that came out of a fight or flight experience.
(3:40) Q5: Do you solo travel, get into fights with travel mates, or have an incredible travel partner?
(3:50) Q6: Tweet out the coolest fight or flight experience you’ve ever seen. 
09-18-17 This week’s theme was “traveling light.” Personally, I love forgoing the usual luxuries in order to make my travel experiences easier. How about you?
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “traveling light” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the least amount of baggage you’ve ever taken while traveling?
(3:10) Q2: Feel free to share or describe what your traveling light scenario looks like.
(3:20) Q3: It helps to not have emotional baggage when traveling. What’s the least you’ve dealt with–or did you travel to deal with it?
(3:30) Q4: Traveling light means we can often do things we couldn’t if carrying a suitcase. Prove it with a pic! 
(3:40) Q5: What are your packing tips for traveling light? What are your reasons for doing so?
(3:50) Q6: Share with us an incredible destination you traveled to while bringing the bare minimum. 

-11-17 Today’s theme was travel memories. We shared the warm fuzzies from wonderful trips of the past.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “travel memories” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What is your most recent major travel memory? It could be from yesterday or even last year.
(3:10) Q2: Show us the earliest travel memory you have captured on film [and handy on your computer]. Where was it?
(3:20) Q3: Tell us about an incredible travel memory that you have NO photo proof of.
(3:30) Q4: Do you have a unique travel memory that most haven’t experienced? Tell us/show us!
(3:40) Q5: How do you capture and save your current experiences for your loved ones/ the next generation?
(3:50) Q6: Share an incredibly captured photo that sums up your favorite travel memory in one image!

-04-17 On Labor Day here in the USA, it seemed only appropriate to do a summer recap as the fall weather approaches and summer draws to a close.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “summer recap” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: How was your summer? Good? Bad? Not a summer? Too fast?
(3:10) Q2: Show us a moment from your summer that might surprise us.
(3:20) Q3: Do you enjoy summer or prefer another season? What did you do/accomplish? 
(3:30) Q4: We want to see what summer looks like near you! Show us a local summer photo from 2017.
(3:40) Q5: What’s a summer tradition that you or your family does each year? Photos?
(3:50) Q6: Prep us for fall, winter, the rainy season, or whatever is coming up next in your part of the world! Share a photo.

08-28-17 Travel in rural areas is so amazing, we dedicated a chat to it.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “rural travel” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Do you currently live in a rural area, suburb, town, or city? What’s your ideal place?
(3:10) Q2: Share a travel photo from 2017 that illustrates what rural travel means to you.
(3:20) Q3: Have you ever worked a job outside your native country and in a rural area? Describe it!
(3:30) Q4: Show us a rural land that few people have ever seen. Points for getting there with locals.
(3:40) Q5: What most catches your interest when photographing in rural areas? Examples?
(3:50) Q6: Show us the most bizarre/unique tradition or landscape you’ve seen while traveling in a rural area. 
 08-14-17 What does freedom mean to you?
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “freedom” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What makes you feel the most alive and free? Travel? Family? The woods?
(3:10) Q2: Show us what freedom means to you. Interpret how you like!
(3:20) Q3: If you had 4 weeks of freedom from work, family, and responsibilities, what would you do?
(3:30) Q4: Have you ever been to a place that didn’t respect freedom? Share a photo if you’d like.
(3:40) Q5: Tell us a freedom-themed wish you have for yourself or for our world. Be creative!
(3:50) Q6: Give us your best freedom-themed travel photo taken in 2017.
 08-0717 We shared photos of neat buildings and landmarks all around the world.
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “cool landmarks” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the coolest landmark you have yet to see? What do you want to do there?
(3:10) Q2: Share with us an image of the last major landmark you visited.
(3:20) Q3: What equipment or techniques do you usually use when photographing a landmark?
(3:30) Q4: What’s a landmark you were disappointed by? What’s one that surprised you, or had activities surrounding it?
(3:40) Q5: Tweet out a small landmark you think should be better recognized by UNESCO or tourism boards.
(3:50) Q6: Show us your most creative shot of a landmark, well-known or not!

7-31-17 “Wacky ‘n’ wild animals” was our theme for today, and boy was it fun!

While almost all of us love kittens and puppies, this week’s #travelpics chat is about animals that are unique and in the wild. Give us your best travel shots of odd birds, sea life, unique land animals, and crazy bugs!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “wacky ‘n’ wild animals” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the most exciting animal to date that you’ve seen in the wild?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of an incredible large animal you saw during a safari, hike, or swim.
(3:20) Q3: Have you ever been on a bird walk, animal safari, or similar such outing? How was it? Photos?
(3:30) Q4: Small can be magnificent. Show us your best minute miracle: a wild animal, insect, or other tiny being.
(3:40) Q5: Animal encounters can be awesome, scary, and unexpected. Give us your best travel story!
(3:50) Q6: Show us the most wacky animal you’ve ever seen. Points if we’ve never seen or heard of it before!

07-24-17 We chatted about cool excursions all around the world during today’s busy #travelpics chat! 

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “excursions” #travelpics chat: 
**Whether you enjoy a nature hike, paragliding, an alligator swamp tour, or something else entirely, feel free to share your best stories and photos with us! Today’s questions and theme was suggested by @travelcricket8, who is also my guest co-host for today’s chat.**
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What types of excursions do you tend to take when traveling in a certain region? Do you ever travel JUST for the excursions?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of the most daring excursion you’ve ever taken. Up in the air? Under the water? Meeting wild animals? Cooking?
(3:20) Q3: What place have you visited that had the most diverse outings–and what did you try?
(3:30) Q4: Has an excursion ever surprised you? Share a photo of what it was really like in your eyes.
(3:40) Q5: Share with us a rather bizarre day trip that’s offered few other places in the world.
(3:50) Q6: Finally, share a photo of your most favorite-ever excursion of your life (even if it was 10 years ago). 

07-17-17 We had an awesome beach-themed chat on today’s #travelpics. Folks from all around the world turned in for this whopper!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Off to the beach” #travelpics chat: 

(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Beaches: That is the question. How do you feel about them?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of your favorite beach. Why do you love it so?
(3:20) Q3: What is your favorite thing about beaches? Least favorite thing? What do you do to improve your experience?
(3:30) Q4: Some beaches are better viewed above or from under the water. Show us!
(3:40) Q5: Tell us about (or show us) a beach that’s not what we quite imagine. Nontraditional, in a unique place, winter-y…
(3:50) Q6: Whether it’s a beach you only saw from afar or just experienced one magical time, show us the most beautiful!

7-10-17 What were the best views you experienced in the past year? We shared some pretty great ones!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “epic views” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Tell us about an epic view you’ve never seen, but are quite eager to!
(3:10) Q2: Share with us an epic view you saw in 2016 or 2017. What made it amazing?
(3:20) Q3: Do you prefer epic views of cities, mountains, waterscapes, or something else?
(3:30) Q4: Not all epic views need to be big. Share a “mini” epic view you noticed!
(3:40) Q5: Do you photograph epic views and then drive away, or do you explore? Explain.
(3:50) Q6: Share with us an epic view from a unique or fun viewpoint. Let’s see how creative you can get!

06-26-17 We talked “trippy travel” for this week’s chat, and there was NO mention of illegal potions at all.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “trippy travel” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the trippiest overall place you’ve ever been? What made it bizarre?
(3:10) Q2: What’s something trippy from travel that has created a life-long memory?
(3:20) Q3: Without getting arrested here…have you or a friend ever experienced a local potion that caused trippy visions?
(3:30) Q4: From hippie towns to crazy landscapes, show us a view from your trippiest travels.
(3:40) Q5: We’ve all met some unique people during trips around the globe. Share a story of one such person!
(3:50) Q6: Share your coolest trippy travel photo from a trip in 2017. Where is it?

-12-17 “Travel deals” was Monday’s #travelpics theme! We described travel experiences–and showed photos, of course–that showed amazing experiences we had on the cheap!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “travel deals” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Other than flight & hotel deals, what kinds of travel deals do you like to swipe?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of a place you visited after snagging some sort of travel deal.
(3:20) Q3: Tell us about a place you simply couldn’t have gone unless you found a magic travel deal. Where was it?
(3:30) Q4: Tweet out a photo of an amazing meal experience that cost you almost nothing.
(3:40) Q5: Some countries are so inexpensive, it’s almost like grabbing a travel deal every day. Tell us!
(3:50) Q6: Show us a destination photo from your travels that was a steal to get to. 

-05-17 The airwaves were awfully slow today, but we shared photos and stories of personal challenges, from car crashes to cancer. We’ve overcome to travel!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “personal challenges” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Did you overcome a personal challenge to travel in the first place, or did you travel growing up?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of someone you photographed abroad–and who overcame a personal challenge.
(3:20) Q3: What’s a physical or emotional challenge you overcame to start or continue your travels?
(3:30) Q4: Have you ever accomplished an amazing feat while traveling? Climbing a mountain? Bungee jumping?
(3:40) Q5: Tell us about a challenge you’d love to accomplish in the next year. Where would you do it?
(3:50) Q6: Share a portrait you took that epitomizes someone who has personally inspired you.

5-29-17 Break for Memorial Day.

5-22-17 What’s glowing in your travels?

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “glowing” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: When you travel, what activities make you glow with happiness?
(3:10) Q2: Let’s see your photo of a “glowing” country…northern lights, volcanoes, stars…
(3:20) Q3: What country makes you glow the most? In other words, where do you feel most alive?
(3:30) Q4: Where have you found the people to be happiest? Where do they radiate love or beauty?
(3:40) Q5: What’s your best shot of something glowing in the sky? Show us!
(3:50) Q6: Show us something unique that’s glowing in your travel photography arsenal. What is it?

5-15-17 It was an extreme hour of extreme stories and photos today!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “extremes” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the most extreme location you’d actually like to experience?
(3:10) Q2: Show us an action photo you took during a most extreme travel experience!
(3:20) Q3: Tell us about a kind of extreme travel that isn’t dangerous, but still gets your adrenaline pumping.
(3:30) Q4: Fun time: Share a photo of YOU doing something extreme. Give us the big picture!
(3:40) Q5: You needn’t participate to experience the extreme through your camera or eyes. Share an experience!
(3:50) Q6: We want the unseen extreme. Share your visual of a remote hike, visit, climb, or jump that few have done.

5-08-17 We chatted cities and interesting urban landscapes across the world today.

[RECAP]Questions for Monday’s “Urbanscapes” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s your favorite city in the world, and why?
(3:10) Q2: Show us either a landscape of your favorite city from Q1, or a cool detail most people miss.
(3:20) Q3: What’s a city you’ve never visited, but that you’re eager to see? Where is it and why must you go?
(3:30) Q4: Some cities have magical places that make you feel somewhere else. Share your urban greenery!
(3:40) Q5: What do you use to shoot unique perspectives in heavily touristed areas? Examples/equipment?

(3:50) Q6: Share a photo from a small but awesome city anywhere in the world. Bring us somewhere new!


5-01-17 What’s it like to be completely in nature? No music, no homes, no human-made sounds…?

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “mother nature” #travelpics chat: 
Make sure none of the photos your share today contain human-made anything! Today’s chat is all about flora and fauna–not buildings, farms, or people.
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: How does mother nature make you feel? Describe it using 3 adjectives!
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from mother nature that is full of unexpected color.
(3:20) Q3: What’s your favorite equipment used to photograph landscapes? Show us an example (or a before & after).
(3:30) Q4: Animals and even plants make beautiful shapes in nature. Show us a pattern that’s amazing! 
(3:40) Q5: Share a photo of either the biggest OR smallest wild animal you saw that made a huge impression.
(3:50) Q6: Travel is all about discovering the unknown. Share a nature photo from a place you doubt anyone on #travelpics has been!

04-24-17 We shared photos from parks big and small, unnamed and national, mountainous and tropical. They all looked amazing!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “amazing parks” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s your favorite kind of park like? Small, big, snowy, tropical, mountainous…?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from your favorite national park (in your native country). Wildlife, landscape, sunrise, you name it! 
(3:20) Q3: What’s a little-known park that is amazing in its own right? Where is it?
(3:30) Q4: Show off a photo from a park you visited abroad–and one that took you by surprise!
(3:40) Q5: What’s something you wished your favorite national park had? And something it didn’t have?
(3:50) Q6: Share an inspiring landscape shot from an amazing park, big or small. 

04-17-17 Easter break!


04-10-17 It was a “dreamy destinations” kind of day. Here were the questions!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “dreamy destinations” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s a dreamy destination that stands out in your mind? Have you been?
(3:10) Q2: Show us a photo of the dreamiest tropical location you’ve ever been to!
(3:20) Q3: Give us your top 3 dreamy destinations you’ve NEVER been to, and tell us why you want to go!
(3:30) Q4: Dreamy destinations needn’t have palm trees or beaches. What’s one you love? Show us!
(3:40) Q5: Invent a dreamy destination. What kinds of people would be there, where in the world (or space) might it be, activities…?

(3:50) Q6: Share a most incredible dreamy destination photo from your home country. Make us jealous!


04-03-17 Today we chatted all about springing forward. For some that meant the season, and for others that meant career. Here were the questions!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Spring forward!” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Is it spring where you are? Share a photo no matter what the weather is like!
(3:10) Q2: What’s something personal that you’d like to accomplish in order to “spring forward” in 2017?
(3:20) Q3: Spring is often thought of as showers ‘n’ flowers, but we want to see your unique interpretation!
(3:30) Q4: To help you spring forward, inspire us with a blog post or story/photo you’re proud of.
(3:40) Q5: Share a photo of spring from any year in the past…or a place that makes you think spring.
(3:50) Q6: We want to see a place that boosts your mood and puts a spring in your step. Tweet your photo!

03-27-17 Monday’s theme was “views,” and what a great chat it was! We saw incredible scenes of cities, mountaintops, skies, and more.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s #travelpics chat on “views”: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Fill in the blank: The most amazing view I’ve ever seen was _______.
(3:10) Q2: Share the best view ever taken from your hotel room, tent, yurt, or other abode!
(3:20) Q3: When & where do you most appreciate views? Morning? Night? After a hike? From a car?
(3:30) Q4: City views can be amazing if taken from high buildings or cool lookouts. Share one!
(3:40) Q5: What’s a time when you had a view you didn’t expect? Tell us about it, good or bad.
(3:50) Q6: Give us 1 (or 2) of your most favorite nature views, ever!

03-20-17 We wanted to see how you were inspired to travel, or what people did to get out of non-travel funks. Here were the questions!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “inspired travel” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: When was the first time you were inspired to travel, and why?
(3:10) Q2: Tweet a travel photo you took in the past year, and share who or what inspired it.
(3:20) Q3: What was your inspiration for your most recent trip?
(3:30) Q4: Inspire everyone here at #travelpics with a photo that will make us want to jump on a plane to…
(3:40) Q5: If you’ve ever felt down or uninspired to travel, what brought you out of your funk?
(3:50) Q6: How would you inspire others to travel in a different way? Tell us and show us.

03-13-17 This week’s theme was “flavors of travel.” Participants were uber-creative in exploring, writing about, and showing through travel photos how places have so many flavors, textures, and descriptors!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “flavors of travel” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: If you had to associate an actual flavor with your personal travels, what would it be and why?
(3:10) Q2: Flavors, textures, patterns…tell us about a destination that has all of these things!
(3:20) Q3: Share a photo or story of a place you feel is pretty “vanilla.” Why wasn’t it exciting?
(3:30) Q4: Talking actual flavors now, share with us a favorite dish from your travels!
(3:40) Q5: What country has the largest number of different flavors (however you want to interpret the word)?
(3:50) Q6: Create a made-up place that combines your favorite travel flavors. What would it be like?

3-06-17 Last week’s theme was “larger than life.” What fun we had with participants old and new, all around the world!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “larger than life” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What kind of place, nearby or far away, has seemed larger than life?
(3:10) Q2: Give us a photo that makes you feel tiny! Where did you take it?
(3:20) Q3: What state, province, or country’s nature feels larger than life? Share a photo!
(3:30) Q4: Without any photos, now, describe something unique that seems larger than life.
(3:40) Q5: Throughout time, people have built crazy buildings higher and bigger. What’s the best?
(3:50) Q6: Blow us away! Tweet out an incredible shot you took of whatever makes you feel amazingly small.

02-06-17 This week we showed off photos of famous places.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “famous places” #travelpics chat: 

(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: When it comes to famous places, what country has your favorites–and why?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of a famous place that you just can’t stop visiting or dreaming of.
(3:20) Q3: What is a famous place you love in your own country, and what’s one you love…to hate?
(3:30) Q4: Show us a photo of a place that isn’t famous, but perhaps should be!
(3:40) Q5: Tell us about a time a famous place surprised you. Good/bad? People? Food? Other? 
(3:50) Q6: Give us your best 2 photos: A famous place in nature, and a famous man-made place.

01-30-17 This week’s theme was neighbors. It was a rough week all around the world, so I thought we could all see the good in each other with a friendly chat on what we love about those nearby.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “neighbors” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Wherever you were born, what countries were your neighbors? If traveling, what are your neighboring countries now?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo showing off a neighbor of any type: An adjacent country, the person next door, or something else.
(3:20) Q3: We love stories & photos of neighborly coincidences while on the road. Let’s hear ’em!
(3:30) Q4: How different or similar are your neighbors? Share a photo or two comparing them! 
(3:40) Q5: Tweet a story about how a neighbor has helped you (or your country) in times of need. 
(3:50) Q6: Let’s see the love! Show us a photo of your “neighbor” that means love to you in any way, shape, or form.

01-23-17 Last week’s theme was all about sunrises and sunsets. The photos were so beautiful, I wish we could do the theme every other week! Alas, this was a special treat.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “sunset & sunrise” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: If you had to pick one, do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Why?
(3:10) Q2: Before we talk about travel, share a sunrise or sunset from your home state/province/country.
(3:20) Q3: What do you like (or hate) about the times surrounding sunrise and sunset?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo you took during a sunrise or sunset–but that doesn’t show the sun or sky!
(3:40) Q5:  Show us the best sunrise photo you’ve ever taken! Where was it?
(3:50) Q6: Show off your sunset photos! Feel free to share more than one, and tell us the story behind it.

01-16-17 Here is our January 16th’s #travelpics recap, all about what we hope 2017 holds in store.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “2017 goals” #travelpics chat: 

(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What are your travel and photo goals for 2017? Give us one of each!
(3:10) Q2: Tell us a surprise goal you accomplished in 2016, and share why it was meaningful.
(3:20) Q3: What one or two places made the top of your list for 2016, and why? Did any place make the bottom?
(3:30) Q4: Tweet us a cool photo from a new technique you tried last year–and tell us what you’re trying in 2017!
(3:40) Q5: What are you most looking forward to in 2017, whether it’s related to photo, travel, or neither?
(3:50) Q6: Show us a hint to what 2017 will be like: A January photo, a goal, or a plane ticket!

12-19-16 For our last chat of 2016, we had quite a few questions and quite a few participants!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Best of 2016” #travelpics chat: 

(3:00) Bonus Start Question: List every country you visited this calendar year!
(3:05) Q1: Can you pick out your favorite country you spent time in in 2016?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from 2016 that was a beautiful accident gone right. What happened?
(3:20) Q3: What’s the best new piece of equipment, photo or other, that you purchased in 2016?
(3:30) Q4: Did you take an incredibly unique photo in 2016 that you’d love to share? Do it!
(3:40) Q5: Tell us what you’re hoping to do–and where you’d go to do it–in 2017!
(3:50) Q6: Show us your prettiest picture from an incredible park or reservation you visited.
(3:55) Bonus Q7: From this entire year, share your best photo that will make everyone book a ticket today!

12-12-16 What brings comfort while on the road? What helps you picture traveling when stuck at home? We found out…

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “comfort” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s something that means comfort to you in the world of travel & photography?
(3:10) Q2: Tweet out a travel image of something you STILL don’t understand–or that makes you uncomfortable.
(3:20) Q3: What’s something physical that brings you comfort when traveling? And non-physical?
(3:30) Q4: Share with us something you disliked at first, but that now brings you comfort.
(3:40) Q5: When home, what brings you travel comfort (other than planning the next trip!)?
(3:50) Q6: Share with us your unique take on comfort, whether it’s home, abroad, or in the air!

-05-16 Last week’s theme was cold climates. Many participants were too cold to even show up! No, we’re kidding. Kind of.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “cold climates” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Are you a fan of cold climates? Why or why not?
(3:10) Q2: Tell us where you’ve traveled that’s been colder than cold, and share a cool photo, too! 
(3:20) Q3: When photographing in the cold, what do you change in your safety, capture, or editing styles?
(3:30) Q4: Share with us a photo of YOU outdoors and enjoying a cold climate (even if there’s no snow or ice!).
(3:40) Q5: What are some traditional and more unique activities you enjoy in cold weather climates?
(3:50) Q6: Landscapes in wintertime and cold climates can be magical. Tweet your favorite!

11-28-16 Last week’s theme was “bright,” and it was a beautiful visual feast with participants from 4 continents!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “bright” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Share a photo that pops into your head when you think of the word “bright.”
(3:10) Q2: When you think of “bright” travel, what do you imagine? There are no wrong answers here!
(3:20) Q3: Whether smart, light, in space, or full of surprise, share a photo that represents bright travel to you.
(3:30) Q4: We want to see what a “bright” natural environment looks like in your travel world. Tweet a photo!
(3:40) Q5: What’s the best decision you ever made in travel, be it with packing, picking, or exploring?
(3:50) Q6: Tweet your travel photo that’s a unique take on the word “bright.”

21-16 Last week’s topic was rails and trails. We had a whole lot of fun sharing photos of trains, hikes, and cool rail trails!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “rails and trails” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Which do you prefer: Rails or trails? Are train trips or hiking trails your cup of tea?
(3:10) Q2: Show off an incredible photo from a train, of a train, or of something train related!
(3:20) Q3: Many old rail trails have been revived. What’s something else you’ve seen epically repurposed or transformed?
(3:30) Q4: From simple paths to epics passages, share your photo of an incredible trail view (or you!).
(3:40) Q5: What’s a train trip or multi-day hiking trail you’d like to do in the near future?
(3:50) Q6: Surprise us with an activity in the world of rails and trails, whether it’s epic eating, wildlife viewing, or rock climbing.

11-14-16 We discussed surreal travel while showing off our travel photos of the unbelievable.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “surreal” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: When you dreamed of surreal destinations as a kid, what kinds of environments did you think of?
(3:10) Q2: Show us your most surreal or dreamlike travel snapshot from 2016.  More than 1 photo is fine!
(3:20) Q3: Have you ever had an odd experience while traveling that was memorably surreal? Explain.
(3:30) Q4: From rock formations to the Northern Lights, share a surreal travel landscape that you’ve shot.
(3:40) Q5: Create your own surreal travel spot and tell us what it would look like and feature.
(3:50) Q6: Color everywhere! Share your most color-ific (but still real!) travel shot that embodies sur-reality.

1-07-16 Today’s #travelpics chat theme was “heights.” Due to the time change we didn’t have quite as many as participants as usual, but from Egypt to England folks posted stories and photos of skydives, hikes, and so much more!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Heights” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Tell us your favorite (or least favorite) adventures from high up.
(3:10) Q2: Show us a photo that you took from pretty high up–but without being in a plane!
(3:20) Q3: If you had to pick, would you rather spend an entire year up in the air or below the water?

(3:30) Q4: Natural heights can give you incredible views of beautiful landscapes. Show us your shot!

(3:40) Q5: Share your craziest adventure from the heights. 

(3:50) Q6: When did heights give you a new perspective? Show us & tell us!


10-17-16 @StephensPhotos joined me again as my guest co-host, and suggested the theme of Ancient Monuments.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Ancient Monuments” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Show us a photo of the most recent ancient monument you’ve seen!
(3:10) Q2: What are the top 2 or 3 monuments you’d like to see in your lifetime (but haven’t)?
(3:20) Q3: Can you tell us of a mysterious site you’ve visited that you believe is/was a monument of sorts?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo of an ancient structure you doubt any of us have ever seen!
(3:40) Q5: What is it about ancient structures that keeps you hunting for more?
(3:50) Q6: Tweet out a photo of the most beautiful, amazing, and awesome ancient monument you’ve ever seen.

10-10-16 This chat was, simply put, lovely! We had so many participants, new and old, and everyone shared lovely photos from coasts all around the world! @StephensPhotos co-hosted.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “coastal communities” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Your favorite coastal area you’ve ever visited is…? Go!
(3:10) Q2: Share a coastal photo that’s warm, inviting, and full of tropical color!
(3:20) Q3: What brings you to coasts, and what do you find so intriguing that you keep visiting again and again?
(3:30) Q4: Show off a coastal photo that brings us somewhere unique. What’s a coast we don’t usually see? 
(3:40) Q5: Tell us about an actual coastal community around the world. What made the people memorable?
(3:50) Q6: If you had to pick your favorite coastal photo of all time, what would it be? Show us already!

10-03-16 Sadly, summer (and warm weather) is over here in much of the USA, Europe, and the Northern Hemisphere. But let’s relive some of the best moments!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “end of summer” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Is summer over where you are right now? If so/not, what does the change mean?
(3:10) Q2: Show us your photo that best demonstrates summer fun in 2016.
(3:20) Q3: What’s an old favorite activity you did this summer–and what’s a new one you tried?
(3:30) Q4: We want to see a photo someone took of YOU enjoying this summer! Where were you?
(3:40) Q5: What are you looking forward to now that summer’s over? 
(3:50) Q6: Show us a different side of summer, whether it’s unique travel, odd activities, or something unexpected.

09-19-16 This week we had a little fun with word play!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “build it!” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Tell us what you like “building:” trips, homes, gardens…
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of the most incredible building you’ve ever seen.
(3:20) Q3: If you build it, ________. (Finish this famous quote with your own interpretation!)
(3:30) Q4: What’s something amazing that has NOT been built by human hands? Show us!
(3:40) Q5: If you could build a magical resort, where would it be and what would it be like?
(3:50) Q6: Share something incredible that you took time to build or create in any way, shape, or form.

9-12-16 This week’s theme was “early bird.” I was working in Switzerland so it was a bit difficult for me to fully participate, but we still had a great crew!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “early bird” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: When you travel vs. everyday life, are you an early bird or a night owl?
(3:10) Q2: Show us a photo you took on a very early morning during your travels.
(3:20) Q3: Have you ever gotten an incredible deal for being an early bird? What was the special?
(3:30) Q4: Markets, construction zones, chefs…early morning yields different perspectives. Show us yours!
(3:40) Q5: Which country has given you the best early bird tale? Tell us or show us!
(3:50) Q6: Show us a travel photo that convinces us to rise early on our next trip. Where is it?

08-29-16 Sometimes you can pack a lot more into 3 days than you’d suspect.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “weekend trips” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Q1: When was the last time you went on just a weekend (2-night) trip? Where was it?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from your most recent short-term adventures.
(3:20) Q3: Do you enjoy weekend trips? Too short? Just right? What do you like to do?
(3:30) Q4: Show us a photo from a unique weekend jaunt you took somewhere while already abroad!
(3:40) Q5: Where do you live now, and what’s the most opposite place a weekend trip has brought you?
(3:50) Q6: Tweet out a photo from your “opposite from home” weekend trip. What was it like?

08-22-16 It was a “new or old” chat today!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “old or new” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Dubai or Angkor Wat: Is your preference newer areas or more ancient civilizations?
(3:10) Q2: Share 2 photos: An old soul and a young spirit. Where is each from?
(3:20) Q3:  Architecture, landscapes, people…what is an additional category of old and new that travel intrigues you?
(3:30) Q4: Have you ever encountered a bizarre mix of old and new in one frame? Show us!
(3:40) Q5: When meeting people on the road, do you find those new or old more interesting? Describe please!
(3:50) Q6: Tweet a travel photo from a place that probably looks the exact same today as it did 1,000 years ago!

08-15-16 We took some time to look back–and look in the water.

[RECAP] Questions for 08-15-16 – Monday’s “reflections” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Do you like to reflect on your travels or do you prefer to look forward?
(3:10) Q2: What trip do you reflect upon most when pondering life or speaking with others? Details please!
(3:20) Q3: Share a photo of a literal or figurative reflection. What does it make you think of?
(3:30) Q4: If you could have a re-do of one big trip you took, what would you do differently and why?
(3:40) Q5: Share a travel photo of yours that encapsulates an epic experience perfectly.
(3:50) Q6: In words or a photo, tweet a reflection that you’ll never, ever forget!

08-08-16 Ever felt like you were alone on something travel-related? Or perhaps you love going out and taking night photos? This “in the dark” chat was for you!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “in the dark” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Do you ever travel or take photos in the dark? Both at the same time?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo that’s your take on photographing “in the dark.”
(3:20) Q3: What’s a place or issue you felt you were in the dark about while traveling? What happened?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo that you took when you weren’t quite in the dark. Sunsets ARE allowed!
(3:40) Q5: Have you ever had a spooky travel story occur in the dark? Please share!
(3:50) Q6: In the dark, shadows, B&W…give us your best shot!

08-01-16 We had lots of fun with all photo and travel things starting with the letter B. Well, some of them.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Blooms, Booms, & Bursts” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Give us a 1-word or 1-photo answer: What’s your favorite bloom?
(3:10) Q2: Have you any interesting stories of booms or blasts during your travels? Do tell!
(3:20) Q3: What’s the most empty place you’ve ever visited–a place devoid of blooms, booms, and bursts?
(3:30) Q4: Blooms come in many different forms. What’s your take on travel blooming?
(3:40) Q5: What’s something you’ve encountered that nearly made you burst? Tell us OR show us.
(3:50) Q6: You must be bursting with pride from a travel photo you took in the past few months. Show it off!

07-25-16 Our participants interpreted “hot” as meaning many different things. Hey, it’s what we do!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Hot Spots” #travelpics chat: 

“Hot” can mean so many different things, so interpret as you like for each question!
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What kinds of hot spots are your favorite?
(3:10) Q2: Show us your travel photo of a hot spot in your own country of residence.
(3:20) Q3: Don’t make me regret this one…what’s the hottest thing you’ve encountered while traveling?
(3:30) Q4: Picture yourself WHERE? Show us the literal hottest spot you’ve ever been.
(3:40) Q5: Do you prefer traveling to hot or cold locations? What are your favorite activities in each? 
(3:50) Q6: New hot spots are emerging all the time. Show us a photo of a place you believe is next!
07-18-16 Love summer? We shared photos and travel stories from this favorite time of year.
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “summer fun” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Is it summer where you are? Wherever you’re tweeting from, what outdoor activities are you enjoying?
(3:10) Q2: Show us something outdoors that can only be enjoyed in the summertime.
(3:20) Q3: What’s better in the summer, travel-wise? Other than the heat and crowds, what’s worse?
(3:30) Q4: Give us a photo of something that’s MUCH better in the summer than any other season. 
(3:40) Q5: Tell us a story of summer fun from your childhood…or right now!
(3:50) Q6: Make us want to enjoy summer fun with you wherever you are right now. Post a photo!

07-04-16 was a national holiday, and on 07-11-16 we were off for a travel break.

06-27-16 If you love the old world look, you’ll love this week’s chat.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “ancient architecture” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Where are the oldest ruins you’ve ever seen, and how old are they, exactly?
(3:10) Q2: Now show us a photo of the oldest ruins you’ve ever seen. Impressive or disappointing?
(3:20) Q3: Dream it: Next trip for ancient architecture? Give us 1 common and 1 stretch idea (ex: Mexico/Ethiopia).
(3:30) Q4: Show us a photo of an old building no one else on this chat has ever seen. Local/hidden/unique?
(3:40) Q5: What do you do when photographing ancient architecture to make it stand out? 
(3:50) Q6: Get creative with ancient architecture and effects, people, or something different. Show us!

06-20-16 What’s round and makes the world go ’round? Not what you think.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “round” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: For you, what about travel makes the world go ’round?
(3:10) Q2: Post a travel photo of yours that celebrates circles (in nature or hand-made).
(3:20) Q3: What’s in your camera/phone collection? With $1,000, what would you buy to round it out?
(3:30) Q4: Post a photo that somehow makes you feel whole, rounded-out, and complete.
(3:40) Q5: What’s the most spontaneous you’ve been in travel–or roundabout way you’ve gotten somewhere?
(3:50) Q6: Up to you! Round this chat out with a round-themed travel photo of your choice!


06-13-16 It was fun and four-legged today…

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “4 legs or more” #travelpics chat: 

The only rule for today’s #travelpics chat? Zoos don’t count! Please don’t post any photos of animals in captivity for today’s chat. Thanks!

(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Ready? What’s your favorite and least favorite 4-legged animal? Go!
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of a 4-legged animal in a foreign country, whether domesticated or wild.
(3:20) Q3: What’s the smallest 4-legged creature you’ve ever seen? And the largest?
(3:30) Q4: Whatever the size, post your coolest photo of an animal with 4 legs or more!
(3:40) Q5: What country have you found to have the most unique land animals, and where did you see them? 
(3:50) Q6: Optical illusions, juxtaposition, animal photobombs…tweet your unique, 4-legged travel photos!


06-06-16 This was a tough one, but participants managed to find symmetry in nature, cities, and life!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “symmetry” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Do you love to photograph symmetry or do you prefer nature’s architecture?
(3:10) Q2: Sometimes nature is nearly symmetrical. Show us something amazing!
(3:20) Q3: Do you find that many of your trips are symmetrical, or do you like to switch things up?
(3:30) Q4: Share a travel photo where you captured man-made symmetry in your shot. Techniques? Lens?
(3:40) Q5: Now show us a photo where symmetry was wonderfully not present! Random can be good, right?
(3:50) Q6: However you think of symmetry in life or in photos, tweet out a story or image of yours!

5-23-16 Folks all over shared their travel photos and stories from the forest. Rainforests, pine forest, in snow, and filtering the hot sun, here were the questions.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “forests” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: How do forests make you feel, and what types do you enjoy? Rainforests, pine, new, old, temperate…
(3:10) Q2: Share a beautiful photo of a forest around you. How does the photo make you feel?
(3:20) Q3: What are your stories of the forest? Survival skills, wild animals…?
(3:30) Q4: Share a different kind of forest: A gathering, greenery, clusters…you show us!
(3:40) Q5: If you could explore any forest in the world, where would you explore and why?
(3:50) Q6: Tweet your beautiful take on a forest. Give us a unique perspective! 

05-16-16 Our theme was “color blast” for this week, and we had lots of fun with color!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “color blast” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the most colorful place you’ve ever visited? And the most colorful country you WANT to visit?
(3:10) Q2: Tweet a color blast photo from your travels. Where were you and why?
(3:20) Q3: Does color around you help you concentrate–or seem distracting? Examples?
(3:30) Q4: Show off a blast of moving color in the form of an animal, fireworks, celebrations…
(3:40) Q5: To you, what is it exactly that makes or gives a country color? 
(3:50) Q6: Give us a color blast in the form of an awesomely unique photo of yours!

05-09-16 We talked about moody weather ’round the world:

 [RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “moody weather” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s your favorite kind of weather? Sunny, stormy, or somewhere in between?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo with moody skies, reflections, or, well, a moody weather attitude!
(3:20) Q3: What’s the wackiest weather-related event you’ve seen on your travels?
(3:30) Q4: Don’t confuse “weather” with “whether”…except now, when you can interpret either in a photo!
(3:40) Q5: Tell a (short) story involving weather on one of your trips. What happened…or didn’t happen?
(3:50) Q6: Tweet out your photo of crazy moody weather, whether home or abroad.

05-02-16 Does travel help you start fresh–or do the memories stay in your mind? We discussed ‘n’ shared

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “starting fresh” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Have you ever tried to start fresh using travel? Successful or not? Tell us about it!
(3:10) Q2: Show us a trip photo from a time when you started anew–or took a sabbatical.
(3:20) Q3: What is it about travel that helps you start fresh (Or is it full of memories instead?)?
(3:30) Q4: Show something in nature that starts fresh, be it a baby animal or a spring forest.
(3:40) Q5: Has a photo, trip, piece of equipment, or job change ever helped you start fresh? Explain.
(3:50) Q6: Share what starting fresh means to you–in a travel photo, that is!

04-25-16 Today we concentrated on the stories that the eyes tell. What do you see?

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “The Eyes” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Are eyes truly a window into the soul? Explain why or why not.
(3:10) Q2: Show off a travel photo that focuses on someone’s eyes.
(3:20) Q3: What’s something you wish you could see but just can’t (literally or figuratively)?
(3:30) Q4: Have you ever wanted to drink a scene in with your eyes? Show us where!
(3:40) Q5: Funny, poignant, or beautiful–show us a photo where the eyes say it all.
(3:50) Q6: When wild animals catch your eye, what does it look like?
04-11-16 The theme with guest co-host Kylie of @englandandiowa? “Famous.”
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “famous” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What famous place are you eager to visit–and why?
(3:10) Q2: Share a [unique!] photo of a famous place–and tell us what it means to you.
(3:20) Q3: Famous or flop: What famous places lived up to the hype? What one(s) failed?
(3:30) Q4: Share a travel photo from a famous spot that you just can’t stop thinking about.
(3:40) Q5: Have YOU ever been semi-famous in a foreign country? Tell us the story!
(3:50) Q6: Share your photo featuring famous nature–no man-made structures!–in a new light. 

04-04-16 We’re celebrating 3 years of #travelpics this month! Theme: memories.

Questions for Monday’s “memories” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: How do memories affect your travel and/or photography? What do you feel?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo that is a fantastic travel memory for you.
(3:20) Q3: Okay, tell us. If you had to pick one, what is your MOST memorable single travel experience, ever?
(3:30) Q4: Make us feel something: Post a photo memory of yours that tells an important story.
(3:40) Q5: Have you/do you modify your photo memories? Styles with framing, printing, B&W over color, filters…?
(3:50) Q6: Share a recent travel photo that you’re sure to remember even 50 years from now.

03-28-16 Ready to head into the wild? We did on this week’s #travelpics chat!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Into the Wild” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Where did you travel recently that made you feel you were truly going into the wild?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of you out in the middle of “nowhere.” How did you feel there?
(3:20) Q3: If you had to live phone-free in the wild for 1 month, could you do it? Who would you take?
(3:30) Q4: Where’s a place near your home that makes you feel you’ve gone completely into the wild?
(3:40) Q5: Which countries have felt most wild to you? Tell us where and why!
(3:50) Q6: Share your best travel photo that transports us all into the wild.

3-21-16 This week’s theme was “spring forward” in honor of the first day of spring. It’s still cold in most northern areas of the world, but the photos shared sure made us all feel warm!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Spring Forward” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What is your favorite part of spring? 
(3:10) Q2: Post a nature photo from your travels that reminds you of springtime.
(3:20) Q3: Other than spring cleaning and blooming flowers, what does spring mean to you?
(3:30) Q4: Why (or why not) is spring your favorite season? Post a photo stating your case!
(3:40) Q5: Think of spring in another way: bouncy toys, metal, jumping…now show us your interpretation!
(3:50) Q6: What special place makes you think of spring with a smile? Post a photo from there!

03-14-16 After a bit of time off for remote travel, we came back with glee to re-start #travelpics. Thanks for your patience, and we’re glad to have you back! This week’s theme was deserved.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “going back” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the country you keep going back to–or wanting to go back to?
(3:10) Q2: Share a travel photo that captures the moment you return–to a country, to home, to a person…
(3:20) Q3: What’s a place that you’d like to return to, but just haven’t (and why not)?
(3:30) Q4: Show us the first things you did upon going back to an amazing destination.
(3:40) Q5: What’s your favorite thing to do when going back home? What comforts you?
(3:50) Q6: When you go back to _____, the first thing you’re going to do is _____. Show us!

02-08-16 The last #travelpics for a while was on small amazements.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “small amazements” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s a small country that has amazed you?
(3:10) Q2: Show off a photo of a small amazement from a famous place. What does everyone overlook?
(3:20) Q3: Share a tale of a small discovery in photography or travel that you’ve never forgotten! 
(3:30) Q4: Small=sublime. Show off a macro or close-up shot that’s amazing!
(3:40) Q5: Sometimes travel is almost a religious experience. Share something that still amazes you.
(3:50) Q6: However you define a small amazement, share a photo that encapsulates your thoughts. Share!


02-01-16 This week’s theme was all about those memorable people (okay, and places and things) you met on the road. I also welcomed @ShesWanderful and @WITSummit as guest co-hosts!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “met on the road” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: When traveling, do you tend to go solo, travel with friends/loved ones, or meet others on the road? Why?
(3:10) Q2: Share with us an amazing woman you met on the road: another traveler, your wife, a ground-breaking explorer…
(3:20) Q3: What kinds of people you’ve met on the road have made the biggest impact?
(3:30) Q4: Sometimes you meet amazing things on the road, too. Share a pet, plant, or “other” photo/story with us!
(3:40) Q5: Coincidences often happen when traveling to the most random places. Share such an event!
(3:50) Q6: Big or small, share a photo of a person, place, or thing that never would have happened had you not met on the road.

01-25-16 It was a cold weather versus warm one debate, with plenty of awesome photos!

[RECAP] Questions for last Monday’s “snow vs. sand: the winter versus summer debate” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Fall and spring aren’t options, so…do you prefer summer or winter? Make your case!
(3:10) Q2: Post a photo from your favorite winter wonderland, wherever that may be.
(3:20) Q3: What are your favorite activities when it comes to winter? Snowboarding? Drinking cocoa?
(3:30) Q4: Share a snap from the place you love to spend summer, be it home or abroad.
(3:40) Q5: Give us an idea of your ideal summer day–or show us a photo!
(3:50) Q6: Snow or sand: Share a shot of one, and tell us why it’s special to you!

01-18-16 Last week’s theme was luscious landscapes.

[RECA] Questions for Monday’s “luscious landscapes” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What are your favorite local spots for landscapes and vistas?
(3:10) Q2: Share a luscious landscape taken near your hometown. Are people surprised it exists?
(3:20) Q3: Is your ideal landscape tropical, mountainous, beach-y, or…?
(3:30) Q4: What country or area surprised you most with its luscious landscapes? Post a pic!
(3:40) Q5: Share your techniques (or ask for one) for shooting amazing landscapes.
(3:50) Q6: Give us your most gorgeous, luscious travel landscape. Where is it?

01-11-16 Architecture that’s memorable from aroudn the world? That was this week’s theme.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “cool architecture” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What country has architecture you’d go back and see again and again?
(3:10) Q2: Share a cool photo of ancient or historical architecture from your travels. 
(3:20) Q3: We all know about the UAE, Angkor Wat, and Shanghai. What are your surprising architecture favorites we don’t know?
(3:30) Q4: Have you ever visited one of the Wonders of the World? Show us your unique perspective!
(3:40) Q5: What’s a small, beautiful building that’s made a lasting impression? Show us or describe it!
(3:50) Q6: From medieval to modern, share a visual story of an architectural wonder we should all visit.

01-04-16 We all looked forward to 2016 by listing our 2016 travel goals.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “2016 travel goals” #travelpics chat: 

(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What are your travel/photo goals for 2016?
(3:10) Q2: What’s a travel or photography goal you accomplished in 2015? Show us!
(3:20) Q3: If given the chance, what place would you re-visit in 2016? What photo would you re-take?
(3:30) Q4: Share a cool photo/technique you’ve used before, and tell us where you dream of using it in 2016.
(3:40) Q5: What trips are you planning on taking in 2016? Anything booked yet?
(3:50) Q6: Show us anything that makes you excited for 2016 (or excited for how 2015 impacted you).

12-28-15 This week’s theme was all about the Best of 2015! Folks shared their best experiences in travel, photography, and storytelling. It was the last chat of the year, and @ishootandtravel guest co-hosted!

 [RECAP]Questions for Monday’s “Best of 2015” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Where are you tweeting from for this last #travelpics chat of 2015?
(3:05) Q1: What was the highlight of your travel experiences in 2015 and why?
(3:10) Q2: Of all the travel photos you took in 2015, does one uniquely stand out? Share it!
(3:20) Q3: What were the major destinations you visited this year, and which was your favorite?
(3:30) Q4: What’s your travel OR photography goal of 2015 that is unique? 
(3:40) Q5: What trips are you now booking for 2016, and what are you hoping to photograph there?
(3:50) Q6: Show off a photo from 2015 that you never expected or planned on.
(3:55) Bonus Q7: Share your travel photo from 2015 that will make everyone ooh and aah–it’s THAT good!

12-21-15 Our sky-themed chat brought out many beautiful photos and stories. Here were the Qs.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s sky-themed #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Tell us how a moment or memory of the sky made an impact on you during travel.
(3:10) Q2: Show us a photo where the sky makes an impact (even if it’s not the star of the shot).
(3:20) Q3: Do you think skies are different around the world or the same? Examples?
(3:30) Q4: Share a travel photo of the sky at sunset, dusk, or nighttime. Where did you take it?
(3:40) Q5: What’s a time you experienced something magical in the sky? Interpret as you like…
(3:50) Q6: Sunrises, storms, stars, timelapses…tweet 1 (or 2) of your best sky shots!

12-14-15 Last week’s theme was “landscapes.”

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “landscapes” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Share a landscape from where you grew up. What was it like?
(3:10) Q2: In much of the world right now, it’s not all that pretty outside. Post a photo of yours that makes you recall the beauty near you.
(3:20) Q3: What’s your ideal landscape? Urban, idyllic, wild, snow-covered…?
(3:30) Q4: Show us an unexpected landscape: A surprising place, a weird juxtaposition, somewhere remote…
(3:40) Q5: Share a story/photo surrounding a mysterious or unique landscape you encountered.
(3:50) Q6: Whether pretty, haunting, or something else entirely, share a landscape shot of yours that you’ll never forget!

11-30-15 In honor of November 29th’s “small country Sunday,” the Belize Tourism Board asked us to do a special chat on small countries. So a day after #SmallCountrySunday, it was Small Country Monday–and a chat on small countries around the world.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “small countries” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Other than Vatican City, what is the smallest country you’ve ever been to?
(3:10) Q2: Tweet a photo of a small country experience unlike any other! What’s so unique?
(3:20) Q3: What are examples of activities/interactions you’ve witnessed that happen only in small countries?
(3:30) Q4: Share (if possible) 2 photos comparing similar sights in a large country vs. a small one. The biggest difference is…?
(3:40) Q5: Tell us your favorite small country and a little on how you fell in love. 
(3:50) Q6: Show off your most unique photo from a small country you love!

11-23-15 Last week’s theme was “famous places.” Monuments, skyscrapers, structures, or reefs, come share your photos and travel beliefs! (Yes, you see how that rhymed.)

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s 3pm EST  “famous places” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: In your opinion, where are the world’s most wonderful famous places? A certain area, country, continent…?
(3:10) Q2: Which famous place had the biggest impact on you and why? Share a photo!
(3:20) Q3: Tell us a famous place you’re eager to visit–along with one that you have little desire to see.
(3:30) Q4: Share a visual moment–a stranger near a famous building, a skydiver over a famous landscape…
(3:40) Q5: What famous places exceeded the hype? In your mind, which ones failed?
(3:50) Q6: Your favorite photo from a famous place ever is….(share it!)

11-16-15  This past week, “old or innovative” was the theme.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “old or innovative” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Do you enjoy traveling to countries with innovative or old offerings better? Reasons?
(3:10) Q2: Show us something old or innovative that surprised you in your travels.
(3:20) Q3: When it comes to photo equipment, are you buying the latest lenses and phones or using film? Explain.
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo showing how innovation has hurt or helped culture and countries.
(3:40) Q5: What do you think the future of innovation is in America, Africa, the Middle East…?
(3:50) Q6: If you’ve ever captured a bizarre juxtaposition of old school and technology, share it!


11-09-15 We showed off photos of those “celebrating internationally” this week.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “International Celebrations” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What international celebration would you like to partake in, and why?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from a crazy celebratory holiday you experienced while abroad.
(3:20) Q3: Have you ever celebrated your own national holiday in another country? What did you enjoy/dislike/find different?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo of another country’s celebration in your own town, or a wacky holiday you celebrated at home.
(3:40) Q5: Create your own international celebration using elements from current ones. What would you do/where would it be?
(3:50) Q6: What was a surprising or intimate celebration abroad that you’ve encountered or been a part of? Photos!

11-02-15 It was an “escapes”-themed #travelpics this week, and we all had fun with our memories and imaginations. @tinberrytravels of Scotland guest co-hosted.

Questions for Monday’s “escapes” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Q1: Where are you right now, and are you happy–or would you like to have a travel escape?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from a trip of yours that comes to mind when you hear the word “escape.”
(3:20) Q3: Do you prefer escaping to ski slopes, lazy rivers, bustling cities, or…?
(3:30) Q4: Give us a visual and a short story from your best escape ever.
(3:40) Q5: Have you ever wanted to escape FROM a vacation, or from a travel situation?
(3:50) Q6: Show us a photo from an unusual escape you took, and tell us why it was awesome.

10-26-15 “It’s Greek to me” was the fun theme of this week’s #travelpics. @TinberryTravels guest co-hosted, and @TheTravelCamel said a brief farewell while he works in Africa throughout the USA time zone change.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “It’s Greek to me” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: When you travel to a new place, how much do you like to have researched?
(3:10) Q2: Share a travel photo of something that took a while to make sense of.
(3:20) Q3: What’s the least prepared you’ve ever been for a new destination? What happened?
(3:30) Q4: Literally?! Share a photo you took in Greece, in a nearby country, of Greek yogurt…
(3:40) Q5: It’s not always easy to understand foreign customs, but describe one you finally learned to “get.”
(3:50) Q6: Tell or show us a moment that’s still Greek to you. Maybe #travelpics -ers can help explain!

10-19-15 Our theme this week was “off the grid,” featuring travel and photography from places where one could unplug, unwind, and (hopefully) unworry.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “off the grid” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: How do you define going off the grid, and do you enjoy it?
(3:10) Q2: Post a photo where you felt you vacationed or lived off the grid.
(3:20) Q3: When it comes to traveling somewhere off the grid, how do you notice life around you? Share observations.
(3:30) Q4: Off-the-grid photography can be remote, old-fashioned, or something else entirely…photos?
(3:40) Q5: What is it you miss most when traveling off the grid? What do you miss least?
(3:50) Q6: Share a photo or story from your most extreme off-the-grid experience to date.


10-12-15 Last week’s theme was spontaneous! 

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: If you could go anywhere right now–1 hour to pack for 1 week–where would you head?
(3:10) Q2: Tell us about the most spontaneous trip you’ve ever taken. Stressful? Exciting? Photos?
(3:20) Q3: How spontaneous are you in your travels? Give an example of the timeline.
(3:30) Q4: Share a spontaneous moment from one of your travels, and explain why it was memorable.
(3:40) Q5: What’s your most spontaneous photo splurge or work/travel assignment you’ve been on? 
(3:50) Q6: Share a photo that best depicts spontaneity in your travels: You, a moment, or anything else!

10-05-15 Last week’s theme was “friends.” We had lots of fun sharing photos and stories from on the road!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “friends” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: To start, tell us about a friend who inspires you to travel, photograph, or do both!
(3:10) Q2: Now, tag a Twitter friend you’ve had an in-person travel adventure with! Share a photo of you two.
(3:20) Q3: If you could travel with someone you’ve never met, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
(3:30) Q4: Tell us the best friend saga that ever happened during your travels. Don’t forget to share a photo!
(3:40) Q5: Share a story of a stranger you met on the road who is now a friend (or more?).
(3:50) Q6: Did you ever take a travel portrait and wish you could be friends with that person? Share the pic!

09-28-15 We discussed “darkness,” and all the odd bits that come with scary travel, issues on the road, night photos, and more.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “darkness” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s “dark photography” to you? How many ways do you interpret it?
(3:10) Q2: Post one of your shots that is dark, either literally or figuratively. (Hey, we’re real here on #travelpics!)
(3:20) Q3: What are some dark things you’ve seen in your travels, and have they been resolved?
(3:30) Q4: Show us a photo taken in the dark, at night, or of something hard to make out.
(3:40) Q5: Sometimes we make mistakes with dark photography–so show us a mistake that turned out cool!
(3:50) Q6: Yin and yang: Post a travel photo that showcases darkness OR light (or both!).

09-21-15 What’s cool in travel and photography? We got the low-down, yo.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “cool” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the coolest activity you’ve ever done throughout your travels?
(3:10) Q2: Post a photo of YOU taken while doing something #travel cool–a safari, a foreign sport…
(3:20) Q3: Where’s the coolest place you’ve ever traveled? Was it cold, awesome, or both?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo of a very cool, cold place you traveled.
(3:40) Q5: What’s a cool skill or piece of equipment you use to make your photography stand out?
(3:50) Q6: Show us something cool you discovered that we may have never seen before. Inspire us!

09-14-15 It was all about summer for this week’s #travelpics chat! Summer 2015, that is.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Summer 2015” #travelpics chat: 

(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Where did you go this summer, and which place was your favorite?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo you took this summer that represents what the season means to you.
(3:20) Q3: Show off something new (and photo-related) that you bought, learned, or discovered this summer.
(3:30) Q4: What was the most memorable thing you did this summer? Share a photo memory!
(3:40) Q5: Most folks enjoy water sports, BBQs, and beaches during summer. What do you do that’s unique?
(3:50) Q6: Celebrating outside is what summer is all about. Show us an adventure, sports, or landscape shot from 2015!

08-31-15 When is travel too much? When does a certain tradition make you feel homesick? Is there such a thing as too much luxury? You gave us your opinions…

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “too much” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What types of places make you feel you’ve had “too much”?
(3:10) Q2: Share a travel photo of a thing, event, or place you just felt was too much.
(3:20) Q3: When it comes to camera equipment (other than phones), what counts as “too much” for travel?
(3:30) Q4: Too much or more than you ever dreamed of? Post your most jaw-dropping shot of luxury, excess, or dream moments.
(3:40) Q5: Despite returning to ____ repeatedly, I love the place so much that I could visit again and again because ____.
(3:50) Q6: Share a tale or photo around the theme of “too much,” be it with humor, honesty, luxury…you pick!


08-17-15 Spontaneous travel? Yes please!

[RECAP]Questions for Monday’s “without a plan” #travelpics chat: 
( :00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Tell us your planning style. Do you ever take spontaneous trips or do you plan every travel day?
(3:10) Q2: Share a travel photo you never planned to take, but love anyway.
(3:20) Q3: Where’s the farthest you’ve ever traveled without a plan? Tell us the story!
(3:30) Q4: Have a photo of you/your travel companions during a plan-less part of your trip? Share it!
(3:40) Q5: I once took an unplanned trip to ____ and it turned out ____ because ____! (Fill in the blanks!)
(3:50) Q6: From photobombs to crazy adventures, share a favorite photo that went awry without a plan.

08-04-15 Two weeks ago, our theme was all about living abroad. Our guest co-host was @JHochstat, who has lived and worked abroad in Costa Rica for years. We got a chance to hear his story AND many more just like it!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “living abroad” #travelpics chat: 

(3:00) Intros: Are you currently living abroad (away from your country of birth)? What country are you in now?
(3:05) Q1: Where’s your favorite place you’ve ever stayed (longer than 1 month) or lived abroad?
(3:10) Q2: Show us a representative travel photo of yours that visually describes your experiences living abroad.
(3:20) Q3: You have… a.) $500/month to live abroad; and b.) $5,000/month to live abroad. Where would YOU move for each?
(3:30) Q4: Show us a unique view from a country where you’ve lived abroad (or where you wish you could!).
(3:40) Q5: Share something interesting you’ve learned from living abroad: What advice do you have for others?
(3:50) Q6: Surprise us with a shot from living abroad that you never expected to see!

07-27-15 This week’s risky theme showcased photos shot while doing sports, traveling to dangerous parts of the world, or working in crazy situations.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “risk” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the riskiest region you’ve ever traveled to? Good/bad experience?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo you took from a risky position (whether place, time, or perspective)
(3:20) Q3: If risk weren’t a factor, what area of the world would you want to see and why?
(3:30) Q4: Show a “fun” photo of you in a risky spot!
(3:40) Q5: What’s a time–traveling or photographing–where you decided the risk just wasn’t worth it? What happened?
(3:50) Q6: Post your coolest, scariest, riskiest photo of all time, and tell us the story behind it!

07-20-15 The theme was “water fun,” and we sure hope the chat cooled everyone off! Seriously, it was pretty muggy and gross in New York. Where’s rain when you need it? Too soon, California?

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “water fun” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s your favorite way to see the water? Above it? On it? In it?
(3:10) Q2: Show us a photo of whatever you define as water fun, be it the beach, rainstorms, or… 
(3:20) Q3: Share a fond memory of you on the water as a kid, and one of you now as an adult!
(3:30) Q4: Tweet a photo of YOU in/on/above the water, whether you’re parasailing, diving, or boating!
(3:40) Q5: Where in the world have you had the most water fun, and what were you doing?
(3:50) Q6: Give us your own twist on something fun with water. Be creative with your travel photos!

07-13-15 “Extravagant” was the theme this week, despite the fact that quite a few #travelpics-ers are backpackers and/or have never experienced true luxury. Still, we used our imaginations…

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “extravagant” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Tell us the most extravagant place you’ve been, along with one you’re planning on visiting soon.
(3:10) Q2: Share your most extravagant travel photo whether it’s food, hotels, amenities…
(3:20) Q3: If you have any photo or framing techniques for making photos look classy and extravagant, share it!
(3:30) Q4: In certain countries, sometimes extravagance can cost very little money. Show us an example or share a tale!
(3:40) Q5: Tell us a dream extravagant trip: 1 week, 1 million dollars, 1 place. Where would you go and why?
(3:50) Q6: Whether it’s a total waste of time to others or worth it, tweet us a photo that is truly worth the extra money TO YOU.

07-07-15 Last week’s theme was USA! Well, it was just July 4th–our Independence Day. And we did just win the World Cup. Also, it’s summer, and here in America, summer = travel!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “USA” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What is your favorite city, state, or region of the USA (and why)?
(3:10) Q2: Share your photo of a favorite national or state park in North America.
(3:20) Q3: What are your favorite parts to travel and photograph in the USA–and where are you headed next?
(3:30) Q4: Famous places in the USA: The Statue of Liberty. Monument Valley. The White House. Post yours!
(3:40) Q5: If you could tell travelers something about America they might not know, what would you say?
(3:50) Q6: Be creative, and show us your favorite photo that represents what YOU love about America.

06-29-15 We discussed “tiny” travel and shared photos of small–yet still impressive–things around the world.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “tiny” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the tiniest country you’ve ever been to? How’d you feel about it?
(3:10) Q2: Sometimes tiny places can be just as alluring as massive ones. Show us one!
(3:20) Q3: What’s the most impressive “tiny” something you’ve seen?
(3:30) Q4: No flamingos and no elephants. Go tiny with your animals and show us something small and awesome!
(3:40) Q5: What are the pros & cons to traveling to tiny nations, islands, or areas?
(3:50) Q6: Sometimes big places make you feel like a tiny speck. Show us one of you or someone else to scale!

06-22-15 The theme this week was “Into the Night.” Folks got out their evening, twilight, sunset, and night shots to share!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Into the night” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What time of day or night do you get most creative with your photos?
(3:10) Q2: Share an “into the night” travel photo of yours that shows a different side of a place.
(3:20) Q3: Do you use any special shooting or editing techniques for the afternoon, golden hour, or night?
(3:30) Q4: Night shots can be spooky, beautiful, or awesome. Share one of yours!
(3:40) Q5: Where have you traveled that made for amazing “into the night” shots? Where would you LIKE to go (Dream big!)?
(3:50) Q6: Show us an awesome shot that blends evening into night, or twilight, or something night-related!

06-15-15 This past week’s theme was Little Things.”

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “little things” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s something little that you’ve learned to appreciate (a) while traveling, & (b) while photographing? 
(3:10) Q2: Give us a photo of something little from a “little” place you’ve been.
(3:20) Q3: Go smaller than little: What’s the tiniest thing you’ve photographed/noticed while abroad?
(3:30) Q4: Little wildlife, little buildings, little discoveries. Share a photo of one!
(3:40) Q5: What’s a little thing, tangible or not, that you deeply treasure from a specific place you visited?
(3:50) Q6: How would you interpret “little things” in your own travel photo? Share it!

06-08-15 It wasn’t your average #travelpics today…

Questions for Monday’s “Not Your Average…” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: “It’s not your average…” What’s the first travel/photography idea that comes to mind?
(3:10) Q2: Where’s the most non-average place you’ve been? Share a photo!
(3:20) Q3: How do you think YOU stand out as a travel photographer? What makes you different?
(3:30) Q4: Not your average travel photo? Show us one that strikes you as extremely unique!
(3:40) Q5: When it comes to your not-very-average travel photos, do you try to make them unique or is it an accident? Explain.
(3:50) Q6: Finally, share a not-so-average travel photo from a not-so-average place you’ve been.


05-18-15 This past week’s theme was transformation.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “transformation” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s something unique that, in your mind, defines transformation when traveling?
(3:10) Q2: Which country has transformed you most? Share a photo or story!
(3:20) Q3: What is a personal transformation you go through when you travel (or don’t)?
(3:30) Q4: It’s hard to catch a transformation in one photo, but give us your best shot!
(3:40) Q5: Tell us about a long trip that transformed you most as a person. Please explain!
(3:50) Q6: Simple or complex, share a travel photo that exemplifies transformation in your mind.

05-11-15 We talked about “popular attractions” this week on #travelpics.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “popular attractions”-themed #travelpics chat:  

(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s your favorite popular attraction in your own city/state/province/country?
(3:10) Q2: Show us a quirky attraction you’ve visited, whether it’s popular or not.
(3:20) Q3: In your travels abroad, tell us about your favorite popular attraction–and the most disappointing one. 
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo taken while at a popular attraction–but from a unique perspective.
(3:40) Q5: If you could have one popular attraction entirely to yourself for a day, which would you choose? What would you do?
(3:50) Q6: Share your photo of what you predict is the next up-and-coming popular attraction–anywhere in the world!

05-04-15 – This past week’s theme was “slow.” Waw the chat itself? Heck no! Here were the questions:

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “slow”-themed #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Slow travel: How do you define it, and do you do it?
(3:10) Q2: Show us a photo of a “slow”something that you enjoy photographing.
(3:20) Q3: What are your favorite activities that are slow paced? What about fast?
(3:30) Q4: What’s something slow in nature that you appreciate? Share your photo!
(3:40) Q5: Share a travel story from when going slowly/being patient helped you come out ahead. 
(3:50) Q6: Slow travel, slow animals, a slow-moving environment…share a fun or funny photo of yours!

04-27-15 Last week’s theme was blasts!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “blast!”-themed #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Where and when did you most recently have a blast during your travels?
(3:10) Q2: Share your travel photo of a literal blast: fireworks, explosions, hopefully not your car….
(3:20) Q3: Show/share your techniques for creatively photographing “blasts” in color, nature, or anything else.
(3:30) Q4: Have a photo of YOU having a blast while traveling? Share the joy!
(3:40) Q5: Roller coasters, gardens, underwater, or something else: what makes your travels a blast?
(3:50) Q6: Interpret “blast” however you like, and tweet out a photo of your experience!

4-20-15 Last week’s chat was all about touristy & non-touristy activities.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “touristy & non-touristy” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: In your hometown AND abroad, do you prefer touristy or non-touristy activities? Why?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from a touristy location…and then one you took nearby, but off the beaten path.
(3:20) Q3: Around your own home, what’s your guilty pleasure destination/restaurant/activity? Ones you discourage?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo (or three!) of your most inexpensive meal/hotel stay/experience in a touristy location.
(3:40) Q5: What’s both a touristy and non-touristy spot you found to be worth it? How much/how little did you pay?
(3:50) Q6: Whether touristy or off the beaten path, share your photo of a 100% free & fun experience from your travels!
4-13-15 Last week’s theme was “north vs. south.”
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: When it comes to traveling, do you prefer to head south or north?
(3:10) Q2: Share a travel photo that reminds you of the north or south (literally or figuratively).
(3:20) Q3: What’s an amusing instance when a travel opportunity “went south”? Foiled plans, bad vehicles, odd folks…
(3:30) Q4: What’s the northernmost photo you’ve ever taken? What about southernmost? Share!
(3:40) Q5: Throughout your travels, where is the northernmost or southernmost points you’ve seen?
(3:50) Q6: Share your best interpretation of a travel photo that’s north OR south. Be creative!



This past week’s theme was flying. 

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s flying-themed #travelpics chat:


(3:05) Q1: How do you feel about flying? Would you rather stay on the ground, go on a helicopter, or go into space?

(3:10) Q2: Whether a bird, plane, butterfly, or something else, share a “flying photo” you’ve taken in motion.

(3:20) Q3: If you could go flying over any landscape in the world, where would you choose—and why?

(3:30) Q4: Post a favorite travel photo from the last place you flew. What makes it special?

(3:40) Q5: Share an interesting story or photo you captured while “flying” yourself!

(3:50) Q6: Using words or a photo, share a time when you felt like you were flying (emotionally/physically)—but weren’t.


03-23-15 Since spring just officially arrived last week (only date-wise–we got a snowstorm here in New York!), we used wishful thinking in the hopes that warmer weather and beautiful colors are just around the corner. Spring was the theme!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “spring begins” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Shout it out: What’s your favorite part of spring and why?
(3:10) Q2: Whether or not it’s spring where you are, tweet a photo of yours that shows off spring somewhere!
(3:20) Q3: What do you think of when you hear the word spring? What about spring photos? Spring travel?
(3:30) Q4: Post a travel photo that interprets spring and new life in a unique way. Be creative!
(3:40) Q5: Share a story or visual of the most colorful springtime display you ever saw. Where was it?
(3:50) Q6: Show off spring with a beautiful macro shot of birds, butterflies, blooms…you name it!


Last week’s theme was all about advice.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s #travelpics chat on “advice”: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What is the single best piece of advice you were ever given while traveling?
(3:10) Q2: Tweet a photo of a place you never would have visited without the advice of a local/guide/friend.
(3:20) Q3: We’ve all received terrible advice before, during, & after travel. Share some!
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo of someone whose advice you trust–or of someone who gave you something to think about. Explain!
(3:40) Q5: What’s a piece of odd advice that actually came true or changed your way of thinking?
(3:50) Q6: Whether you took some advice or have recommendations for others, share a piece of visual advice for us to consider!

03-09-15 Last week’s theme was “teach/learn.” It was a lovely thing to see and hear so many stories of travel learning!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s learn/teach #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from or while traveling?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of something interesting you never would have learned without traveling.
(3:20) Q3: What skills can you/have you taught abroad? What have you learned (classes, workshops, etc.)?
(3:30) Q4: Tweet a photo taken of YOU teaching or learning. School, sports, arts, cooking…
(3:40) Q5: What’s something odd or unique you shared or learned while on the road?
(3:50) Q6: Teaching and learning come in many different forms. Share an amazing story or travel photo!

03-02-15 Last week’s “wishes” theme heard quite a few inspiring dreams from all around the world.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “wishes” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Q1: Where are you tweeting from today, and what is your longest-standing travel and/or photography wish?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo you took–or of you–that was a travel wish come true.
(3:20) Q3: What is a photo-specific wish you’ve always had? Place, season, job…?
(3:30) Q4: Tweet your photo of a place you wish to return to–or give credit to a photographer who has been where you want to go!
(3:40) Q5: Be unique: What is an odd event or place you wish to travel to and photograph?
(3:50) Q6: Crazy or common, give us the best travel photography wish of yours that you made come true–and share a photo!



Last week’s theme was “crazy events,” and folks brought their amusing, odd, scary, and downright wacky travel photos to the table! 

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “crazy events” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Share a photo of a crazy event you’ve witnessed! There’s no right or wrong answer here.
(3:10) Q2: Odd moments. Concerts. Fate. Tell us about a crazy event that happened during your travels.
(3:20) Q3: What crazy event or festival would you like to attend around the world?
(3:30) Q4: Whether running with bulls or celebrating Holi, show us a photo of you participating in a crazy event!
(3:40) Q5: If you were to create your own crazy event somewhere on our planet, what would it involve?
(3:50) Q6: Throw a crazy event photo out there that will truly astound us or teach us something new. Be creative!

Last week’s questions were all about awesome architecture. Expect the official recap soon.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “awesome architecture” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Where are you living/traveling right now, and what’s the architecture like around you?
(3:10) Q2: Show us an awesome architectural capture that will surprise us with place, perspective, or…
(3:20) Q3: Have you ever captured a building using a unique capture or editing technique? Show/tell us!
(3:30) Q4: Show us an architectural wonder we’ve likely never seen. Why is it surprising?
(3:40) Q5: If you could create the most amazing city architecturally, what characteristics from which cities would you use to “build”?
(3:50) Q6: Famous or little-known, tweet a photo of the most awesome architecture you’ve ever seen!


02-02-15 Last week’s theme was “water wonders.” From diving and waterfalls to aqua landscapes, hurricanes, coral reefs from above, and so much more, we saw your waterluscious photos (sure, that’s a word now) and heard your stories of travel to some of our planet’s amazing blues.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Water Wonders” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: In your mind, what are some of the “water wonders of the world”?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of the most wild water wonder you’ve ever been to! 
(3:20) Q3: Whether above the water or below, share a tale or snap of an unusual perspective.
(3:30) Q4: Bigger isn’t always better: Tweet a water wonder photo that’s beautiful even if small, hidden, or overlooked.
(3:40) Q5: Tell us what water wonder is your favorite–and pick one you’d hop on a plane today to see.
(3:50) Q6: Show off that awesome water shot–a frozen moment, a beautiful long exposure, or something unique!


Last week: Where do you get your adrenalin rush? Is it simply by traveling? Skydiving for the now-norm? Spearfishing or something unique? I’ve been pretty busy, so recaps haven’t happened in the past few weeks…

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “adrenalin rush” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What is your favorite adrenalin-filled activity of all time? What one do you have yet to try?
(3:10) Q2: Technique matters when catching that jump, expression, or moment. Tips/examples for capturing the rush in-camera?
(3:20) Q3: What country has surprised you with its offerings of adrenalin-packed activities? Examples?
(3:30) Q4: Your turn! Show off a travel photo of YOU doing something adrenalin-filled. The more unique, the better!
(3:40) Q5: Tell us (or show us) an unconventional activity that pumps you full of adrenalin while traveling.
(3:50) Q6: Where do you get your fill of adrenalin? Show us an awesome activity of your or someone else in a magical place!


Last week’s #travelpics was all about famous attractions.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “famous attractions” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What is the best or funniest experience you ever had at a famous landmark?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from your most memorable/favorite famous spot, and tell us why it’s so meaningful.
(3:20) Q3: What is the best famous attraction you’ve ever been to? What about worst? (And why!)
(3:30) Q4: Ever spotted something strange or silly at a famous attractions? Show us a snap.
(3:40) Q5: Dream on: What famous  place would you like to experience, and how would your dream trip go?
(3:50) Q6: We’ve all seen photos of famous attractions. Show us your version that puts a spin on the ordinary!

This past week’s theme was mini travel. Hopefully a recap will be posted shortly.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “mini travel” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: If you were to define “mini travel,” how would you describe it? There are no wrong answers!
(3:10) Q2: Have you ever taken a mini adventure? Tell us where & show us a photo!
(3:20) Q3: Opposites: Have you ever been traveling and found a food, person, or place that made you feel at home? Explain!
(3:30) Q4: It’s amazing how secret local spots can make you feel like you’ve traveled. Show us an example!
(3:40) Q5: When you can’t really travel, what do you do to satisfy your wanderlust?
(3:50) Q6: Share a story or photo of what mini travel means to you, no matter where you are in the world!
01-05-15 & 12-29-14: Here are the photos from the last #travelpics of 2014 and first of 2015, all combined into a lovely chat outlook.

This past week’s theme was all about 2015 travel & photography dreams. What are you wishing for this year, and what will you do about it?

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “2015 travel dreams” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: To start, what little or big travel/photo dream did you accomplish in 2014?
(3:10) Q2: What’s a place you’d like to revisit–or see for the first time? Photos of the place?
(3:20) Q3: What travel/photography goal do you wish to accomplish in 2015 (and is it likely or just a dream)?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo you took in 2014 that you’d like a redo on in 2015. What would you improve?
(3:40) Q5: As of now, what are your travel plans for 2015? Which place are you most excited to photograph?
(3:50) Q6: Whether from 2015 or the end of 2014, show off a photo you took–or of you–that describes your 2015 travel dreams!

Last year’s last #travelpics theme was a year-end “best of.”

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “Best of 2014” #travelpics chat (the last one of 2014!): 
(3:00) Intros: Where are you tweeting from this last #travelpics chat of 2014?
(3:05) Q1: List the countries you traveled to this year. What was the highlight?
(3:10) Q2: Of all the travel photos you took in 2014, does one uniquely stand out? Share it!
(3:20) Q3: What was the best piece of photo equipment you invested in this year? Show us something you did with it!
(3:30) Q4: If you could do one thing new or differently in 2015, what would it be?
(3:40) Q5: Experiences: Tell us or show us your best travel/photo experience of 2014!
(3:50) Q6: What are you most excited about in 2015, either travel- or photo-wise?
(3:55) Bonus Q7: Share your best, most thrilling photo from your 2014 travels. 


12-15-14 Last week’s theme was “holiday destinations,” and the official photo recap is finally here! Guest co-hosts @aforkinlondon (who suggested the theme) and @Jessisawanderer joined us, along with the usual #travelpics gang.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “holiday destinations” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Where will you be spending this holiday season and/or your 2015 celebrations?
(3:10) Q2: At home or abroad, show us your photo of a popular holiday–or holiday destination!
(3:20) Q3: Are there any holidays you don’t care for? Where would you go to escape them entirely? (And have you ever?)
(3:30) Q4: Share your photo of a holiday celebrated anywhere in the world! Christmas in Vietnam, Holi in the UK…
(3:40) Q5: What’s a unique holiday your country doesn’t celebrate, but you wish they did? Photos?
(3:50) Q6: Tweet a photo from your favorite holiday destination. It can have everything or nothing to do with the holidays!



12-08-14 This past week’s theme was “What’s YOUR Wilderness?” and was suggested by our guest co-host, @Jessisawanderer, of Egypt. We saw beautiful images from all over the world, from dry deserts and rock formations to lush greenery, wildlife, and lakes. Which is your favorite?

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “What’s YOUR Wilderness?” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the best local wilderness in your neck of the woods?
(3:10) Q2: Show us an unexpected wilderness from your state/province/country. What’s it like?
(3:20) Q3: While traveling, what wilderness surprised you most? Was it a good or bad surprise?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo of you in your favorite wilderness. Where is it and what do you enjoy doing there?
(3:40) Q5: Show OR tell: What’s your favorite trick/unconventional tool for photographing your wilderness?
(3:50) Q6: Finally, tweet the most stunning photo of your favorite wilderness from anywhere in the world.



12-01-14 Last week’s theme was “worth it,” as suggested by our guest co-host, @Allophile. We had some truly lovely photos, which made choosing this week’s top picks a difficult assignment! From Latin America to the Scottish Highlands, from wildlife in South Africa to weather in America, we all saw shots that made us think it was worth the shot–and made us wish we’d been there!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “worth it” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Tell us about your most recent travel or photo endeavor. Was it worth it?
(3:10) Q2: However you interpret it, show us a moment from your travels that was absolutely worth it.
(3:20) Q3: Tell us about a trip (work/holiday/volunteer) you weren’t sure of, but that ended up being worth your time!
(3:30) Q4: Sometimes it’s the little details that make a trip worth it. Show us that person/place/food/other.
(3:40) Q5: What’s the most “worth it” piece of photo/editing equipment you’ve ever invested in? What’s not?
(3:50) Q6: Finally, share your best travel photo that was worth all the planning and effort you poured into it.


11-24-14 Last week’s theme was all about “city vs country.” More than 200 photos were shared during our hour-long chat, with participants from Sri Lanka to Mexico. Here were some of my favorites (slightly skewed toward “country,” since that’s where my choice is…sorry, city folks!).

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “city vs country” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s your favorite aspect of cities? What about the countryside?
(3:10) Q2: City vs country: Share a photo that captures what you love most about your pick!
(3:20) Q3: When traveling, do you prefer spending more of your time in cities or villages/wilderness? Favorite memory?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo that captures the city or countryside in a unique way: abstract, at night, in motion…
(3:40) Q5: What’s your best travel memory from staying in an exotic city or remote village? 
(3:50) Q6: Convince us that the city OR countryside is the place to be. Give us your most vibrant shot!                         


11-17-14 The theme of “long weekend” this week was suggested by longtime participant @Allophile, who also guest co-hosted along with @vibrantireland. While some chose staycations or destinations just an hour away, others flew across their own countries or journeyed to entirely different continents for a few days!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “long weekend” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Wherever you are in the world, tell us what a long weekend trip is like where you live.
(3:10) Q2: Time to share! Tweet us a photo from a weekend trip you took this year.
(3:20) Q3: What’s the farthest or craziest weekend trip you ever took? Where did you go?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo of the weirdest, most exciting, or most memorable moment from a long weekend trip of yours.
(3:40) Q5: Tell us about your dream long weekend trip. Who’s it with, where is it, and what would you do?
(3:50) Q6: Ever taken a mini trip while living abroad? Share a photo of your adventures in a foreign land!


11-10-14 This week’s theme was up & away. From helicopter shoots and hot air balloon rides to high-up hikes and scary views, participants wangled through some Twitter technical difficulties and still managed to share some awesome shots!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “up & away” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Where’s the most recent place you went up & away to visit? What were your impressions?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of you or someone you know going up and away in a helicopter, parachute, carnival ride…
(3:20) Q3: What’s your dream “up & away” travel experience? Where would it be and how would you get there?
(3:30) Q4: Whether on the ground gazing up or from up in the air, show us a photo of an exciting journey.
(3:40) Q5: You’re given a free trip to go up & away tomorrow–for 3 months. What 1 country do you choose (and why)?
(3:50) Q6: Tweet your favorite travel photo that shows what “up & away” travel means to you. 

10-27-14 The last #travelpics theme was “mystery,” just in time for Halloween! Participants tweeted their best travel photos of abandoned places, mysterious underwater wrecks. psychics, and much more. We shared mysterious travel stories, too! Due to traveling, there is no recap this week.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “mysterious” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the most mysterious place you’ve ever visited? How did it make you feel?
(3:10) Q2: Share your travel photo of a mysterious, haunted, or abandoned location.
(3:20) Q3: Have you ever experienced something strange or mysterious during your travels? Explain!
(3:30) Q4: If you’ve ever met a mysterious being throughout your travels, tweet a shot of the person now!
(3:40) Q5: Funny, unique, or just plain odd, share a short travel tale of a mysterious encounter or incident.
(3:50) Q6: Have a mysterious travel photo, whether scary, abstract, or even an accident? Show us!


10-20-14 Last week’s theme was “strangers.” Hey, stranger things have happened.

While most questions were about strangers, one was about strange occurrences, and as usual–with participants from Romania and Ireland to Spain and Pakistan–we got some interesting–and beautiful–answers.


[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “strangers”-themed #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Tell us about a stranger who permanently changed your life in terms of travel OR photography. Who? How? Where?
(3:10) Q2: Tweet a travel photo of an unidentifiable stranger who made the shot work: A backside shot, a distant farmer, a silhouette…
(3:20) Q3: Strangers can affect us even if we only know them for 1 day or 1 week. Tell us your own stranger travel tale!
(3:30) Q4: “It was stranger than anything I’d ever seen.” (Interpret how you wish, and share a photo!)
(3:40) Q5: What’s the best/most exciting/most unique travel experience you’ve ever had with a stranger?
(3:50) Q6: Share a travel portrait of a stranger whose life story you never learned (but wish you had).


10-13-14 Last week’s theme was “action shots” with guest co-host @KimmieDavies. We had quite the chat, with quite a few faux-pas action shots that really took the cake. We also had jump shots, wildlife captures, dancing, and much more! Photos of those things, that is. Enjoy the recap!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “action shots” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Action shots can be almost anything. How do YOU define action shots when traveling or photographing?
(3:10) Q2: Tweet an action shot of yours that freezes motion or time. Interpret however you wish!
(3:20) Q3: What equipment do you use for action photos? Share your techniques and process.
(3:30) Q4: Share an action shot of you! It can be a timed shot, jump shot, sports shot…
(3:40) Q5: What’s the action shot you dream of capturing? Wildlife? BASE jumping? Abstract? Tell us/show us!
(3:50) Q6: Show us an action shot that shows off motion in travel, be it a chaotic city, form of transport, or anything else!


10-06-14 Last week’s theme was “inspiration,” and we saw some incredible stories behind the photos. With folks tuning in everywhere from Japan to the Caribbean, we saw inspiration photos and heard stories of green lands, glaciers, elephant herds, broken-down trucks, meeting soulmates, having thoughts challenged, swimming with sharks, and so much more. In fact, I was so inspired by everyone’s photos that I couldn’t trip my favorites down to the usual 6-8 photos. There were too many amazing ones, and I still couldn’t include so many!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “inspiration”-themed #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What inspires you to take photos, and what inspires you to travel? Are they at all the same?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of the most inspirational place you’ve photographed. What made it magnificent?
(3:20) Q3: People, places, and events often inspire us in unpredictable ways. Tell us one such story from your travels!
(3:30) Q4: Share a travel portrait of someone you met on the road who had an impact on your life, photo techniques, or travel habits.
(3:40) Q5: Have you ever been inspired by a photo, famous or not, taken by another photographer? How did it affect you?
(3:50) Q6: After being inspired by a [movie, relative, story, book…], show us a photo of a place you simply had to visit.


09-29-14 This week’s theme was mountains, and participants definitely dug out their most extreme, beautiful, and crazy mountain photos! I was shocked at how passionate people were about climbing, viewing, photographing, and protecting these incredible and unique wonders. From Nepal and Peru to lesser-known formations in Antarctica and Guatemala, folks shared absolutely lovely shots. In fact, choosing was so hard that I went for the most unique–not just most beautiful. Enjoy!


[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s mountains-themed #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What’s the tallest mountain you’ve summited, and how did you do it? (Hiking, car, tour bus…)
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo you took of or on an incredible mountain.
(3:20) Q3: What’s a mountain you’d like to climb in your lifetime, and what kind of camera would you pack?
(3:30) Q4: Put it in perspective: Tweet a photo of yourself or something interesting on a mountain.
(3:40) Q5: What’s something surprising/odd/unique about a mountain near you or abroad?
(3:50) Q6: Whether pretty, stormy, snow-covered or wildflower-surrounded, share a beautiful mountain photo of yours.


09-22-14 This week’s theme was black and white travel photography. Black and white, or the shortened version, B&W, is an often underutilized way of drawing in viewers. But once again, #travelpics participants from Senegal to Mexico showed their lovely, haunting, and awesome B&W photos from travels around the world.
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “black & white” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Do you take B&W travel photos? Convert color to B&W later? Hate B&W? 
(3:10) Q2: Share a black & white travel portrait you’ve taken that really grabs you. What is it that’s special?
(3:20) Q3: Travel is rarely black & white. What’s something unique that you love, hate, or are unsure about when abroad?
(3:30) Q4: Show us an eye-catching travel photo in B&W, and, if you have it, ALSO in color. 
(3:40) Q5: Tweet your own question on B&W travel photography! Or, tweet out a tip of your own.
(3:50) Q6: Tweet out a place, landmark, or moment that B&W really captured perfectly.

09-15-14 Last week’s theme was green in honor of the last days before fall and winter. Participants from Mexico to Uganda shared photos of green landscapes, green buildings, green accents, and green bugs. There were quite a variety of shades as well, from yellow-greens and olives to aquas and emeralds. Picking favorites was nearly impossible, so I chose this bunch based not only on the beautiful use of green, but also on chat popularity, variety, and uniqueness.Enjoy!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s  15th’s “green” #travelpics chat:
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: When you think “green,” what comes to mind? Architecture, specific places, plants?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of the most green nature scene you’ve encountered while traveling. What was it like?
(3:20) Q3: What’s a cool “green” structure or idea you’ve seen during your travels? Photos?
(3:30) Q4: Whether an accent or the star of the photo, show us something green we’ve probably never seen. (Rhyming answers not nec.)
(3:40) Q5: Do you like green landscapes, or do you prefer desert, sea, snow, or something else? Why?
(3:50) Q6: Share a travel photo where the color green was unexpected or mind-blowing.


09-08-14 After a week off for Labor Day in the USA, our theme ended up being “work & labor,” as suggested by longtime #travelpics participant @Allophile. Thanks, Joseph!

For this week’s chat, we shared photos of unusual and tough labor around the world–and also shared stories of unique jobs we have had. From “human sherpas” and ear cleaners in India to international babysitting and animal research, we shared the good, tough, beautiful, and crazy. Here are some of my favorites!


[RECAP] Questions for Monday, September 8th’s #travelpics on “work”:
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Where have your worked around the world? What did you do, and did you enjoy it?
(3:10) Q2: From farming to skydiving, share a travel photo of people at work anywhere in the world.
(3:20) Q3: What do you consider to be some of the toughest jobs in the world?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo of someone working in a way you found unfamiliar or unique way.
(3:40) Q5: What is your dream travel-inspired job? (Other than a travel writer/photographer, of course!)
(3:50) Q6: Have a photo of you working somewhere abroad? Share it now–or tell us a job you’d like to try out!


08-25-14 As summer in the northern hemisphere winds down, it seemed only fitting to host a summer-themed #travelpics. Though much sea, sun, and sand came into play, our awesome #travelpics participants pushed the limits of what summer means: We had infrared photography, snow-capped mountains, summers spent in India, and so much more. We also saw lovely sunsets, summer berries, waterfalls, and picnic photos from ’round the world. Check out some of our favorites!

Questions for Monday’s summer-themed #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Home or abroad, where is your favorite place to spend your summer? Why?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo from your most recent quintessential summer vacation.
(3:20) Q3: BESIDES swimming at the beach, what do you think of when you picture summer? Favorite activities?
(3:30) Q4: Show a summer photo of yours that ISN’T sand, surf, or sunglasses.
(3:40) Q5: What is the most unique place you’ve ever spent your summer?
(3:50) Q6: From hiking to wildflowers, show off your favorite view of summer anywhere in the world!



08-18-14 Last week’s theme was “crazy nature,” and folks from all around the world joined in to share stories and photos of kooky animals, crazy cloud formations, and so much more! We had a blast seeing participants’ photos of beautiful sunsets from the Cook Islands, odd cloud formations in Arizona, and flowers of South Africa. It was so hard to pick favorites this week!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “crazy nature” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What country do you think has the craziest flora, fauna, and overall nature?
(3:10) Q2:  Beautiful and crazy shapes can be found in nature by looking carefully. Share your favorite!
(3:20) Q3: Wild food, remote tribes, and lightning storms…what’s your fondest nature memory?
(3:30) Q4: Share a photo of the most wild colors you’ve seen in nature: birds, exotic fruit, azure waters…
(3:40) Q5: From volcano eruptions to animal encounters, share a crazy story of close encounters with nature.
(3:50) Q6: Tweet out your favorite photo that best represents “crazy nature”!


08-11-14 This week’s theme was “sports”–but we didn’t stick with football and baseball! Participants invented new sports, showed off photos of odd sports in other countries, and more. From paragliding to drinking beer, participants didn’t shy away from sharing their favorite “non-relaxation” activities of choice.

[RECAP] Questions for last week’s #travelpics chat on “sports”: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us the country you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What is the most bizarre sport you’ve ever played or witnessed? Where was it?
(3:10) Q2: What is your favorite “non-sport” sport to play at home or abroad? Photo of you doing it?
(3:20) Q3: Tell us about the best sporting event you’ve ever attended while abroad (or the one you dream of!).
(3:30) Q4: Thinking of travel and sports photography, share a photo of yours that best represents what’s going through your mind.
(3:40) Q5: Invent a new sport. Where and how would it be played?
(3:50) Q6: From slow-paced fishing to fast-paced skiing, show off your most professional-quality sports shot!


08-04-14 Last week’s theme was “quickfire,” and participants enjoyed answering a dozen fast-paced questions on photography, travel, and more! It was really a blast, though perhaps we all ended the night with higher-than-normal blood pressure. With participants from quite a few continents around the world, both new and returning, it was quite fun sharing photos of mishaps, interesting people, remote locations, odd foods, modern cities, and so much more. With a dozen questions, the #travelpics gang didn’t disappoint!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “quickfire” #travelpics chat: 

(3:00) Intros: What country are you currently in? What one would you like to be in instead?
(3:05) Q1: Share the most recent travel photo you’ve taken. Where is it?
(3:10) Q2: Which countries have you lived in for 1 month or longer? Your favorite?
(3:15) Q3: Share a humorous photo from an excursion gone awry.
(3:20) Q4: What photo equipment can you not do without while on the road?
(3:25) Q5: Luxury: Tell us or show us how you’ve traveled in style!
(3:30) Q6: Got a weird food story from the road? Share it–photos welcome!
(3:35) Q7: What’s the coolest city you’ve ever visited? Why? (Photos?)
(3:40) Q8: The most beautiful spot you’ve ever been to is _________.
(3:45) Q9: Tweet one of your favorite travel photos from a place near & dear to your heart.
(3:50) Q10: What country would you never be interested in seeing? What one would you jump on a plane tonight to see?
(3:55) Q11: Happiness on the road: What’s one of your best memories? Show us or tell us!


07-28-14 Last week we shared photos on the theme of “exotic,” including islands, flyovers, penguins, foods, and more. After all, the word is an interpretation based on how you were raised and where you are. What’s exotic to one may be banal to another! It was extremely difficult to pick the favorites here, but without further ado, here are a few.

  [RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “exotic”-themed #travelpics chat: (3:05) Q1: What’s an exotic location that you’ve never been to, but are eager to visit? (3:10) Q2: When you think of the word “exotic,” what do you think of? Share your travel photo interpretation. (3:20) Q3: Share a photo of something exotic you found in the natural world! (3:30) Q4: What is it you like most about exotic locations? Scenery, weather, people, cuisine, customs…? (3:40) Q5: Scenery often makes a spot exotic. Tweet a shot of a stunning location. (3:50) Q6: What’s the most exotic place you’ve ever seen? What made it incredible?


07-21-14 This past week’s theme was budget travel. From free places to sleep to amazingly cheap vacations, participants shared photos and stories of it all. Some folks Couchsurfed for free, while others splurged on fancy meals or outdoor adventures. And others still splurged not at all, choosing instead to enjoy free walks and nature ’round town. See some splurges and budget travel photos from #travelpics chatters below!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “budget travel” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) (Intros:) Where are you from, and what’s your favorite country for budget travel?
(3:05) Q1: What’s your budget traveling style? Do you live on the cheap or live large?
(3:10) Q2: Show us a budget photo that brings you joy (where you barely spent much on your activity/meal/room/).
(3:20) Q3: What’s the most expensive trip splurge you ever took? Or your cheapest hotel or dinner? Worth it?
(3:30) Q4: Show us something free/cheap from your travels–a hike, a meal, an event–that makes for an entertaining story.
(3:40) Q5: Do you splurge on travel photography by buying equipment or making prints? Best investment to date?
(3:50) Q6: Budget travel often means authentic travel. Share a photo of your best budget travel experience!


07-14-14 Last week’s theme was “texture,” and participants did an amazing job of posting colorful shots of people, places, and everything in between. From close-ups of foods we’d rather not see to print-worthy landscapes of rice fields and more, #travelpics participants did an awesome job of showing textures from their amazing travels.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s #travelpics chat on “texture”: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What are elements that add texture to make your travel photos stand out?
(3:10) Q2: Whether it’s snow in a forest or tiles on a home, show us a travel photo that’s all about texture.
(3:20) Q3: Share a photo of yours that shows off texture in a unusual fashion: shadows, birds, abstract patterns…
(3:30) Q4: Interesting people lead texture to photos, stories & experiences. Share a photo or tale of a bizarre or memorable encounter!
(3:40) Q5: Specific or general, what’s something that has added texture to your travels? Get creative!
(3:50) Q6: Textures add interest to landscapes near and far. From your backyard to travels abroad, share a “colorful” photo!


07-07-14 Last week’s theme was “pride“, and we shared stories and photos of the things locals were most passionate about (as well as the stuff that we loved showing others!). We got quite a range, from accomplishments, to odd places, to bathrooms…well, see for yourself.

 [RECAP] Questions for Monday’s #travelpics chat on “pride”: (3:05) Q1: What’s something you’re proud to share about your home country when visiting other countries? (3:10) Q2: Share a photo you’re quite proud of, whether you mastered a technique or went to great lengths to achieve the shot. (3:20) Q3: What’s an odd/interesting possession or place locals were proud of during your travels? (3:30) Q4: Show off! Give us a photo of YOU achieving something travel/photo/outdoors-related that you’re proud of. (3:40) Q5: What is a fear you never thought you’d be able to overcome, but that you proudly conquered (photos encouraged!)? (3:50) Q6: From national holidays & pride parades to family pets & accomplishments, share your photo of what “pride” means to you!


06-30-14 This week was all about food and eating abroad! From thousand-layer cakes and frites to scorpions, Guinness chocolate pops, and whale blubber, we shared a bit of everything from our eating adventures around the world. Some was fancy, and some made our eyes bug out, but all of it was interesting and too tasty not to share!

Questions for Monday’s “Food, aka “Eating abroad” #travelpics: (3:00) Intros: What country are you tweeting from today? (3:05) Q1: If you could only have one country’s cuisine for the rest of your life, which would it be and why? (3:10) Q2: Time for #food photos! Share your most scrumptious shot of a delicious dish abroad—and tell us what it is! (3:20) Q3: Whether a photo or story, share a tale of how a food experience changed your travel experiences. (3:30) Q4: Show off an extraordinary dish—good, bad, or odd—that most of us have likely never tasted! (3:40) Q5: What cuisine are you most eager to taste and why? What food have you been most disappointed in? (3:50) Q6: Any food photo will do! Share your snap of your favorite, most exciting, or most unique edible from abroad.



06-23-14 This week’s theme was “landmarks,” and from the familiar to the not-yet-so, participants around the world shared photos of places they love. Many were famous buildings; others were ruins, sculptures, or even old prisons. But far and away, people were sure passionate about one thing: The outdoors, and the amazing natural wonders so many people have fallen in love with. Mountains won this round!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s landmarks-themed #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What is the most famous landmark your area or country is known for?
(3:10) Q2: Show off a photo of yours from your favorite landmark–whether known or under wraps–from abroad.
(3:20) Q3: Why do you believe landmarks become famous? Is it history, beauty, chance…?
(3:30) Q4: Where’s your best photo of a famous landmark? Show us!
(3:40) Q5: What’s the most fascinating landmark you’ve ever seen? What about most disappointing?
(3:50) Q6: Share a photo of your favorite place–one that you believe should be a major landmark, but isn’t quite yet.


06-16-14 It was a map-themed #travelpics, and folks joined in from Australia to Canada, and coastal Africa to China!

Today’s co-hosts were from the USA (me, @AntiTourist), Dubai (@TheTravelCamel), Holland (@Sihpromatum), Ireland (@VibrantIreland), and the U.K. (@travellingmolly; StephensPhotos). Let’s add to the #travelpics world map! Where were YOU tweeting from this Monday? India, Scotland, coastal Africa, China, and so much more!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s maps-themed #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where on the world map you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What region on the world map have you not visited, and what’s stopped you from going?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo you’ve taken from a place few people could locate on a map. What brought you there?
(3:20) Q3: If you threw a dart at a world map and had to travel there today, where would you NOT want the dart to land–and why?
(3:30) Q4: Whether a food map, adventure map, or cultural map, post a fitting photo of yours from a well-known destination.
(3:40) Q5: Imagine you win an all-expenses-paid trip for 1 month to photograph anywhere. Where do you go and why?
(3:50) Q6: Do you have a favorite place on the world map? Show us a photo of your favorite destination!


06-09-14 This past week’s theme was “overlooked.” We shared discoveries made by venturing into lesser-known places, onto small roads, and off the trails. While some folks found wildlife in their own backyards, others visited far-flung islands around the globe, and even more headed into territory near well-known attractions, but far enough from comfort. Here are some of my favorites.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “overlooked” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Tell us about your favorite overlooked or underappreciated travel discovery.
(3:10) Q2: Show us a photo of an overlooked destination in your current country. Why should we go?
(3:20) Q3: When traveling, do you purposely seek out overlooked (or unknown) destinations? What are some of your favorites?
(3:30) Q4: Tell us about or show us an overlooked attraction that truly surprised you.
(3:40) Q5: What’s an overlooked city/area/country, and why should others visit it?
(3:50) Q6: Share a photo of something/someone you almost overlooked, but upon closer inspection found incredible!


06-02-14 June is here and the weather is beautiful out, but that didn’t stop folks from all over the world in participating in this week’s #travelpics chat! Monday’s questions were all about “close-up photography,” and participants shared awesome macro and close-up photos! Some also shared stories of close encounters with poisonous scorpions or gangs, while others interpreted the close-up theme in highly amusing ways. Check out a few of the photos below!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s “close-up” #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What challenges do you face when trying to shoot close-ups, and how do you deal with them? 
(3:10) Q2: Have you ever gotten particularly close to an incredible animal, insect, or rare plant? Show us!
(3:20) Q3: What lens/attachment/program do you use for close-up/macro shots?
(3:30) Q4: Portraits, events, and moments all look different when viewed up close. Give us your best example.
(3:40) Q5: Tell us about a [funny, scary] time you got a bit too close to something while traveling.
(3:50) Q6: Show off one of your favorite close-up shots of all time!                                                                                                                                                                  


05-19-14 This past week we talked about some of our favorite ways to feel comfortable while traveling. For many it was places, while for others it was seasons, activities, or luxury lodges. We also shared uncomfortable stories, twinge-worthy tales, and photos of situations that were, perhaps, less than desirable. Enjoy some of my favorite quotes and photos below!

Some favorite tweets from the chat:

On bringing a DSLR, small camera, or none at all…

Erik Scalavino @E_Scal:  @wanderingiphone @AntiTourist #travelpics Gotta strike the balance between getting the shot and enjoying with your own two eyes.

Dane Rauschenberg ‏@seedanerun: a3: I feel most comfortable experiencing life through my eyes. I don’t have the skills to match that lens. #travelpics On bringing a pen & notebook wherever you go… Lauren @LaurenSalisbury:  @WildlifeDest @inmyshoestravel @AntiTourist if my pen runs out while I’m on a train I become a madwoman asking 4 one to borrow #travelpics On meeting memorable people along the way, whether they make you comfortable or uncomfortable…

@AntiTourist rode in a @MFGde car from Munich-Prague w/ a male stripper from Paris who couldn’t fly because he was carrying swords. #awkward
[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s comfort-themed #travelpics chat: 
(3:00) Q1: Where are you currently living or traveling, and what is giving you comfort right now?
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of a place from your travels that gives you comfort–even if it’s foreign or unique.
(3:20) Q3: When you head out to travel, what kind of camera do you feel most comfortable using? A P&S? Phone? DSLR? Film? None at all?
(3:30) Q4: Travel accommodations are sometimes luxurious–and sometimes just a floor. Comfortable or not, share a photo or story!
(3:40) Q5: What is an item, common or odd, that brings you comfort while traveling? Why?
(3:50) Q6: People you meet along the way can make you feel comfortable OR awkward. Share a photo of someone you can’t forget!


05-12-14 Last week’s theme was “down on the street.” Many participants actually preferred small towns to big cities, but either way, they loved photographing them. And for sure, not all streets are created equally: While certain folks witnessed fires and fights, others saw parties, met great strangers, or even visited places were streets were simply footpaths.


[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s #travelpics chat on “down on the street”: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What do you enjoy about photographing “down on the street” travel scenes?
(3:10) Q2: Do you prefer capturing the small towns or big cities? Share an example!
(3:20) Q3: What is the most exciting event you’ve ever seen while down on the street?
(3:30) Q4: Share a “down on the street” shot that is inspiring, shocking, or just plain odd.
(3:40) Q5: Where do you stand in the ongoing debate of asking vs. not asking permission while photographing street scenes?
(3:50) Q6: Show us an everyday “down on the street” shot taken from a unique perspective.


05-05-14 Last week’s theme was “travel treats,” and participants showed off not just desserts, but side trips, spa splurges, mind-boggling adventures, and more. Enjoy the view, ’cause this one won’t cost you a dime. Unless, of course, you’re paying for internet somewhere while reading this.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday’s #travelpics on “travel treats”: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Travel treats: What are they to you, and what’s your favorite type?
(3:10) Q2: You’ve treated yourself while abroad. Show us a photo of one such time!
(3:20) Q3: Share your favorite travel treat memory, be it a side trip, a meal, or a unique experience.
(3:30) Q4: Travel treats can certainly be in edible form. Where’s your food porn pic?
(3:40) Q5: Have you ever splurged on a crazy ride, weird activity, or dangerous sport? Tell us in 140 or less!
(3:50) Q6: Travel treats can go awry. Tell or show us your best tale (points for humor!).



04-28-14 Last week’s theme was “happy,” and boy did people get happy (and/or jealous)! In all seriousness, #travelpics participants shared some great mini stories, tips, and experiences. @E_Scal, @MrsAylaAdvnture, and @travelgirl2317 all posted adorable (who knew?) photos of lions having the times of their lives, while others listed personal adventures, chatting with locals, and eating dessert as some of their “travel happy” moments. Here are some of my favorites!

Questions for Monday, April 28th’s #travelpics on “happy”: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: What makes you happy when taking travel photos? What makes you grin?
(3:10) Q2: Share a travel photo that is bound to make #travelpics viewers happy. What’s the story behind it?
(3:20) Q3: Describe a travel or photography moment that brought you joy. Bonus: Show us where that place was!
(3:30) Q4: Your turn! Post a travel photo of yourself–or one you took–and tell us why it makes you happy.
(3:40) Q5: What unique treat, habit, or hobby makes you happy while on the road? 
(3:50) Q6: A happy photo needn’t feature happy people. Show us your “travel happy,” be it a landscape, aerial view, or animal.


04-21-14 Last week’s 1-year anniversary #travelpics was an exciting event, with new faces as well as familiar ones, and hundreds of photos to be seen. We actually set a #travelpics chat record, with around 300 shots being shared by participants from Australia to Mexico, Scotland to Tanzania, and Holland to the USA! Dozens of talented amateur and professional photographers from dozens of countries made this #travelpics anniversary something I’ll never forget. Knowing that something I started makes your dreary Mondays so much better means a lot to me, and I hope that with the support of all the participants, guests, and dedicated co-hosts, I can continue to grow our amazing community! While most #travelpics chats feature photo-sharing questions and chat questions, we jumped right in for a photo-sharing bonanza for nearly the entire hour! It was nearly impossible to pick the best photos from our “best of” theme–let alone pick a winner for our Magellan’s Travel giveaway–but somehow I made the tough choices! Quite a few photos are featured since I couldn’t narrow my favorites down to just a few. Enjoy, and be sure to join us every Monday for #travelpics at 3pm EST !

We also had a contest sponsored by Magellan’s Travel! Jeff McAllister (@mcallisterjeff) was the winner of the “most stunningly creative photo,” and had his choice of this Gateway Grande bag in cobalt blue or this Crumpler Haven Camera Pouch. The wonderful photographer that he is, he chose the camera pouch. Thanks, Magellan! Here was his prize-winning photo, which can also be seen here. Congrats, Jeff!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday, April 21st’s #travelpics on “best of…”: 
(3:00) Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!
(3:05) Q1: Where is the best destination, in your experience, for taking travel photos?
(3:10) Q2: Share the best or most unique portrait you’ve taken during your travels.
(3:20) Q3: Show us your best photo that transports you, bringing you back to that time and place.
(3:30) Q4: Give us your best, most delectable food shot from eating abroad.
(3:40) Q5: Tweet your best shot of something beautiful, be it a person, an act, or a landscape.
(3:50) Q6: It’s your choice on “best of…”. Show us your best travel photo of…anything!


Thank you to all my co-hosts, past and present, who have helped make #travelpics a success! Thank you @sihpromatum, @travellingmolly, @VibrantIreland, @StephensPhotos @wheretogoAM, @MargieMiklas, @AVacationADay, @TheTravelCamel, and all of my guests and on/off co-hosts who continue to share incredible travel photos while engaging the community.


04-14-14 Last week’s theme was “routines.” While our daily commutes may not be inherently interesting, it always seems that customs abroad are endlessly fascinating. From growing food and walking to school to unique transportation and more, we shared photos depicting daily routines that are different from ours.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday, April 14th’s #travelpics on “routines”: 
(3:00) [Intros: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tweeting from today!]
(3:05) Q1: What is your favorite part of daily routines to photograph in your current country?
(3:10) Q2: Whether home or abroad, show us your shot of daily customs that’s anything but boring!
(3:20) Q3: When traveling, how do you experience, observe, or photograph daily routines like a local?
(3:30) Q4: Tweet an abstract, B&W, or moving shot uniquely portraying a local’s routine–or your own one–in another country. 
(3:40) Q5: What country has struck you as most different in regards to daily routines there? Why?
(3:50) Q6: Share your photo of everyday routines in the country that is most foreign to you. What stands out?  


04-07-14 We shared photos of man-made wonders on this week’s edition of #travelpics, and boy what a busy session it was! With participants tuning in from Colombia and Taiwan to New Zealand and Ireland, we had international photos from the talented gang. The pyramids of Egypt, Macchu Picchu, and the modern-days wonders of Dubai seemed to strike everyone’s fancy, but for the recap, I decided to showcase mostly unique places–or unique perspectives. Great job, everyone!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday, April 7th’s “man-made wonders” #travelpics chat:
(3:00) Intros: What country are you joining from today?
(3:05) Q1: Which do you feel are more mind-blowing: ancient buildings or modern-day marvels?
(3:10) Q2: Tweet your own unique viewpoint of a man-made wonder. What techniques/angles/tricks make your photos stand out?
(3:20) Q3: What is your favorite man-made wonder from your own country? What about abroad?
(3:30) Q4: Man-made wonders aren’t always buildings. Show us a garden, a pond, or another “green” interpretation!
(3:40) Q5: Tell us about a hidden, remote, or little-known wonder from your travels. Why should we visit?
(3:50) Q6: Show us the most exciting or mysterious man-made wonder you’ve even been to, whether we’ve heard of it or not!


03-31-14 Last Monday’s #travelpics was all about shadows, and it stumped a few participants! While it’s easy to identify travel photos of celebrations or sunsets, shadows tend to, well, lurk. Yet no challenge proved too difficult for the #travelpics gang, as participants from the tropics to Asia participated in our mysterious, shadow-filled chat.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday, March 31st’s “shadow play” #travelpics:
(3:00) Intros (3:05) Q1: How do natural shadows and lights affect your travel photography? (3:10) Q2: Share a travel photo of yours where shadow play or unique lighting helped capture the moment. (3:20) Q3: In addition to the golden hour, when do you enjoy taking photos and why? (3:30) Q4: Whether black & white or color, show off your travel photo that’s all about shadows and (hopefully) mystery. (3:40) Q5: What shooting/editing/framing techniques do you use when shadows come into play? (3:50) Q6: Tweet a shadow photo or story that is fun or humorous: Shapes, jump shadows, funny faces…?


03-24-14 In an effort to make spring come about a bit faster here in snowy New York, the topic of “spring” was this week’s #travelpics subject. Participants all over the world were excited for flowers to start blossoming in their parts of the world, though some living in tropical locations had little to complain about. Many folks shared photos of tulips and cherry blossoms, and I couldn’t resist sharing a bunch of them with you here!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday, March 24th’s “spring” #travelpics:
(3:00) Intros
(3:05) Q1: What’s the best part of spring in your part of the world? 
(3:10) Q2: Share a photo of your country right now, whether it’s still winter or already spring!
(3:20) Q3: Tell us or show us what you love about spring: wildlife, weather, sounds, moods…
(3:30) Q4: Tweet a macro/close-up photo of something that captures the essence of spring.
(3:40) Q5: Have you ever missed spring in your country due to travel? What season(s) did you experience instead?
(3:50) Q6: Show off your best spring landscape shot from home or abroad. Make us crave springtime!


Last week’s theme was “popular sights & sites.” There will be no recap due to personal work and travels, but please join us this week for an all-new #travelpics chat!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday, March 17th’s #travelpics on “popular sights & sites”: (3:00) Q1: What is your favorite popular attraction in your own country? Least favorite? (3:10) Q2: Show us your own unique photo from a popular site. Don’t give us an average view! (3:20) Q3: From pandas to pyramids, what is your favorite sight (or site) you’ve ever seen on your travels? (3:30) Q4: Show off an incredible sight you managed to catch on film while traveling. (3:40) Q5: If you could designate one new place as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, what would you choose? (3:50) Q6: Tweet a sight or site you’ll never forget. Why was it memorable?  


Last week’s theme was “everyday life,” as suggested by co-host @StephensPhotos. We shared our travel photos and stories about what we find intriguing, comforting, amusing, or unique in everyday life in other countries.

[RECAP] Questions for Monday, March 10th’s #travelpics on “everyday life”: (3:00) Q1: Tell us an everyday routine or practice you’d like to adopt in your own country (and tell us where you are!). (3:10) Q2: What’s a component of everyday life in other countries that you find confusing, amusing, or amazing? (3:20) Q3: What’s something you love to photograph in everyday life? Show us! (3:30) Q4: From farming to family dinner, show us your favorite travel photo of everyday life in another country. (3:40) Q5: When you travel, do you prefer to see everyday life in that country or celebrations/festivals? Why? (3:50) Q6: Everyday life in other countries can still make for beautiful & unique photos. Show us one!    


03-03-14 We shared photos of cemeteries, bugs, abandoned buildings, and more for last week’s theme of “beauty is everywhere.” It’s not surprising that talented #travelpics participants saw beauty where others may have seen ugliness or normalcy. Here are a few of my favorites!

[RECAP] Questions for Monday, March 3rd’s #travelpics on “beauty is everywhere”:
(3:00) Intros
(3:05) Q1: What are examples of “ugly” things–anything–that you find beautiful?
(3:10) Q2: Where have you found unexpected beauty in your travels? Show us!
(3:20) Q3: Tell us about a place you find beautiful–even if nobody else would agree. 
(3:30) Q4: Whether it’s a mistake, an abstract, or just odd, tweet a travel photo of yours that you define as beautiful. 
(3:40) Q5: When traveling, do you hunt out anything odd? Cemeteries, abandoned homes…?
(3:50) Q6: Show us a travel photo where you found beauty in something unconventional.
See more #travelpics chat recaps from 2013 and 2014 on the #travelpics archive page.

11 thoughts on “Travelpics

  1. Pingback: Spring in Northamptonshire | Taylor Hearts TravelTaylor Hearts Travel

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